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  • 火锅店菜品名称英语怎么讲


    锅底# POTS 红汤#Red soup(微辣#Micro spicy#特辣#Special hot 中辣#Hot in)# 鸳鸯# Mandarin duck# (菌汤#Bacteria soup# 大骨#Big bone) 鲜鸭肠#Fresh duck intestinal#毛肚#Hair belly 东瓜# East melon# 花菜#cauliflower 火锅店菜品 Hotpot restaurant food# 不知道对不对 能帮上忙不

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 167 ℃ 88
  • 用英语介绍菜品


    北京烤鸭—— Peking Duck,or Peking Roast Duck is a famous duck dish from Beijing[1] that has been prepared since the imperial era,and is now considered one of China's national foods. The dish is prized for the thin,crisp skin,with authentic versions of the dish serving mostly the skin an...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 587 ℃ 616
  • 菜品名称英文翻译


    Red wine/port ,Classic fancy coffee, Shanghai Characteristic cold drink,Shanghai Specialjuice,Shanghai Characteristic hot drinks,Flavor milk tea,European Natural Flower (fruit) Tea,China tea,Classic snacks,Foreign liquor,Shanghai Special wine,Special Chinese and Western noodles,Ch...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 910 ℃ 402
  • 求助,翻译几个菜品的英文名称!


    Diving Zhushou raw materials: Youmaicai \ Zhudi \ pepper Maoxiewang raw materials: yellow bean sprouts \ kelp guitar \ pig blood \ colorectal \ ham \ cattle Maodu \ cattle Moye \ pepper Juicefat and sleek cows raw materials: fat and sleek...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 921 ℃ 818
  • 菜品的英文翻译


    <p> 有个大全。找你需要的吧</p><p> 全体乳猪 Roast whole suckling pig <br> ? 特色五福拼盘 Special five varieties <br> ? 葡国碳烧肉Portuguese roast pork <br> ? 脆皮靓烧鸡Crispy chicken <br> ? 湛江皇后水晶鸡Zhanjiang Crystal chicken <br> ? ...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 228 ℃ 579
  • 菜品的英文翻译


    有个大全。找你需要的吧全体乳猪 Roast whole suckling pig 特色五福拼盘 Special five varieties 葡国碳烧肉Portuguese roast pork 脆皮靓烧鸡Crispy chicken 湛江皇后水晶鸡Zhanjiang Crystal chicken 金牌回香鸡Golden tasty chicken 盐香脆皮鸡Salty crispy chicken 高州葱油先鸡...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 200 ℃ 632
  • 求10个菜肴的英文名称哈怎么会这样啊?


    Beef with Beancurd 鸡丝凉面 Cold Noodles with Chicken Shreds[10](P166) (2) 主料(形状) (with,in)调料 糖醋鱼 Fish with Sweet and Sour Sauce 椒盐排骨 Spare Ribs with Pepper and Salt[11](P57) 米酒鱼卷 Fish Rolls with Rice Wi 求10个菜肴的英文名称怎么会这样啊?需要怎么做才是...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 256 ℃ 24
  • 菜品的英文翻译


    Dishes called: Super supreme pizza Yakitori expense Philip Bacon Japanese-style spicy squid with sweet juice Italy sheep expense-- Thai curry beef Data bombing bone Zhubai with juice The crab carrot juice Steamed scallops garlic Tomato burning Shelter Celery Xianyou Steame...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 630 ℃ 83
  • 求10个菜肴的英文名称?


    1夫妻肺片PorkLungsinChiliSauce 2红烧狮子头StewedPorkBallinBrownSauce 3回锅肉片SautéedSlicedPorkwithPepperandChili 4酱猪手BraisedPigFeetinBrownSauce 5京酱肉丝SautéedShreddedPorkinSweetBeanSauce 6木须肉SautéedSlicedPork,EggsandBlackFungus 7糖醋排骨...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 497 ℃ 828
  • 怎么翻译英语菜名?


    常见的英语菜名名称有:1、麻婆豆腐MapoTofu2、水煮鱼Boiled Fish3、香辣肉丝Hot and spicy pork slice4、宫爆鸡丁Kung Pao Chicken5、红烧排骨Stewed Spare Ribs6、红烧茄子Eggplants In Soy Sauce7、回锅肉Twice Cooked Pork8、蒜泥黄瓜Cucumber With Garlic9、夫妻肺片be...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 791 ℃ 64