



2024-07-23 18:22:05 来源:网络


求一下菜品的翻译 谢谢了!!??
青枣green jujube 日本小黄瓜Japnese gherkin/cucumber 哈蜜瓜Hami melon 西瓜water melon 圣女果Cherry Tomatoes 菠萝pineapple 火龙果Dragon fruit/Pitaya 沙糖桔Citrus microcarpa 香蕉banana 龙眼longan 提子kyoho grape 葡萄grape 桔子orange 脐橙navel oranges 凉面Cold Noodles with Sesame有帮助请点赞😑——|🏑🐷。
回答🦢🐯——😿:fried diced shrimp ballsPork Ribs Noodlesscrambled bean vermicelli with spinachdry deep-frying hairtailbean curd with crab roe


1😛——🐦🦊、童子鸡Spring chicken 将童子鸡的英文名称定为Spring chicken是符合中英文语言特征的🪲|🐣🥈。童子鸡的中文含义是没有交配的小鸡😮-_🦉🐒,而英语中一般用春🐵🌜__🦟🦆、夏🦒|🎮🌖、秋🤒🐄_|🐀💐、冬来形容小动物的年龄特征🦨_🎏🐀,初生到性成熟前的鸡一般用Spring chicken来表示🀄🥏|🦠。2🐝|🦜、红烧狮子头Braised pork ball in brown sauce 红烧狮子头在标准译法中有帮助请点赞🌓🌿——🐘🐩。
黄金乳猪😥-🦋:Golden pig 冰皮月饼🐯🐬——|🐍🐊:Snowy moon cakes 脆皮烧鸡🥅☹️——🌸🌷:Crispy chicken 夹饼酱香肉🎫|🐲:Folder pie sauce meat 江南老鸭煲🦨🦋_|*:Jiangnan old duck burn 金汤海鲜狮子头🐥-|🪁:Jintang seafood lion head 南乳香腊肉🎁🎑-——🐾:South frankincense Bacon 五谷丰登*|-🧨:Rich harvest 盐焗手撕鸡😣*——_🧐🦄:Salted and等我继续说🪀-|🦬。
Korean sour pickles 韩国の酸味のある渍け物中华海草Grass in a Chinese sea 中华海の草味付螺肉The taste will pay meat of a conch. 味はマキガイの肉を払います 味付八爪鱼The taste will pay 8 nails of fish. 味は8爪の鱼を払います 味付墨鱼仔The taste will pay a是什么🎴--🦓🌺。
Super supreme pizza Yakitori expense Philip Bacon Japanese-style spicy squid with sweet juice Italy sheep expense-- Thai curry beef Data bombing bone Zhubai with juice The crab carrot juice Steamed scallops garlic Tomato burning Shelter Celery Xianyou Steamed sea bass Pine nut kernels Fri好了吧😯😂|*!
Rice with Radish Sirloin, Guangdong style 老干妈爆炒田鸡饭Rice with frog and Chili Sauce 台式卤肉饭Rice with Stewed Pork, Taiwan style 泰汁烧鱼头Stewed Fish Head with Thai Brown Sauce 京葱爆羊腩饭Rice with Sheep Brisket and Chinese onion 中国文化源远流长. 想把中文翻译成英文是什么🦈*‍❄——_🦨。
Sweet shrimp sashimi, cod white, eel frozen, cold tofu, Japanese beef, daily color vegetables, sesame cheese, sesame turmeric, healthy fish liver, chef fried chicken, boiled radish with homemade taste, Cheese egg roll, charcoal grilled black pork with pork, roasted yam, grilled 等会说🐵|-🤖🐂。
请翻译以下菜品 辋川小样 贵妃鸡翅 金边白菜 奶汤锅子鱼 葫芦鸡 三皮丝...
辋川小样🦄_😤🦕:Wang Chuan sample,贵妃鸡翅🐣💥————🐼😓:wings of Royal .金边白菜L:Phnom Penh cabbage,奶汤锅子鱼:Naitang gourd fish ,葫芦鸡🦥|_😚:bowl of chicken ,波斯羊腿:leg of mutton three Pisibosi Choujiu
1 guest spending one 客人消费单2 dishes name 菜品名称3, the number of 数量4 Specifications 规格5 Subtotal 小计6, the discount code 折扣代码7, total consumption 消费合计8, the discount rate 折扣金额9, accounts receivable cash 应收现金有帮助请点赞🐑_🕷。