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  • 简单的英语4人口语对话


    Girl A: Tom is my classmate. He’s tall and he has curly hair. He’s very friendly and funny. Boy A: Lucy is my friend from America. She’s pretty. She has long straight hair and blue eyes. She’s shy and quiet. Girl B: Xiao Ming is my good friend. He’s not tall but he is strong. He’s hardw...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 948 ℃ 707
  • 简单英语口语对话20句


    20句简单英语口语对话,如下:1.Hello, … 你好。2. Hi, … 喂,你好。3. Good morning/ afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。4. How are you(this morning/afternoon/evening)? 你今天早晨/下午/晚上好吗?5. Fine, thank you/ thanks. 我很好,谢谢。6. Not bad, thank you. 不错,谢谢。7. Welcom...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 366 ℃ 821
  • 简单的英语口语交际对话怎么说?


    i want you to help me learn simple english.戈登:你说到点子上了!我想让你帮我学习一些简单英语。molly: i reckon that is a good idea.莫莉:这主意不错。4、gordon: hey buddy, your english is improving by leaps and bounds.戈登:嘿,伙计,你的英语正在突飞猛进啊。molly: your english is not ...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 315 ℃ 449
  • 英语简单口语对话怎么写?


    英语简单口语对话一般可用于描述朋友之间的近况聊天,或是街上的偶遇,或是平常的电话联系。一般都是一些临时性的询问,且对话之间比较口语化。范文如下:Anna:Hello,Anna speaking!Jason:Hey,Anna,this is Jason.  Anna:Jason,where have you been hiding lately?You know it is b...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 751 ℃ 54
  • 英语口语对话.越简单越好


    . i came to shanghai in 1991 to study economics at fudan university, where i met my girlfriend. we got married after we graduated, and still live here. i also have an elder brother who lives in xi an with his wife, and a younger sister who still lives in chengdu with our parent.一篇介绍自己的对话

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 573 ℃ 343
  • 2人英语口语对话


    A:hey,i am ...nice to see you.你好 ,我是 xx很高兴认识你啊B:i am ....nice to see you,too.我是 xx 我也很高兴认识你啊A:where are you from ? 你从哪里来的呀?B:i am from ... 我来自xxA:oh, i see. i come from...噢,我来自xxB:Nice weather, isn't it ? 今天天气不错嘛,你觉得呢?(闲聊天气 不...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 882 ℃ 633
  • 英语对话短文两人简单


    如下:a: i am helpless to change the situation.b: it was a clumsy mistake that got you in trouble. forgetting to give the boss his wife’s message makes you look incapable.a: but i’m usually not a blundering idiot. how can i fix the problem?b: apologize and in the future prove you aren’t inco...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 478 ℃ 368
  • 英语口语二人对话范文


    Two people are talking something about college students' marrige. Their words are like this. A: Hey, Tom. How are you these days?B: Fine,and you?A: I am fine, too. I haven't thought that I can see you here.B: Neither do I. We haven't met each other for so long a time. How are you getting on...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 802 ℃ 283
  • 英语口语两人对话内容


    第五个 music will relax me whenever i feel nerves yes,i always listen to music while i was study the most time i listen to the music is doing my homework i know it was a bad habbit as it would damage our ear system and if we listen to the music for long time , we will cannot listen to others cle...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 103 ℃ 776
  • 哪里有最简单的英语口语对话


    百度一下 你就知道 英语口语对话 其实在很多地方都可以进行的 如果你是学生 那非常好办 有条件就去找英文老师 多聊天 他/她一定也会... 简单快捷 学英语需要付出很多的 经济条件非常好的话 自制和控制能力也很不错的话 强烈推荐出国学习 或者只是出国观光旅游 都可以学到很...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 186 ℃ 498