



2024-07-04 05:57:42 来源:网络


口语对话1 赶时兴(go after fashion)A: Fashion show is around the corner, I’m so excited! 古装扮演行将降临🦆_-🐥🌱,我很兴奋🐼😖--😬🎟!B: Are there any good!这有什么好的🎐🌾-🎉🐪!A: I didn't see anything wrong with the clothes; they looked pretty nice to me. I think you don’t like it! Why有帮助请点赞🤩🏓-|🐵。
英语情景口语交际对话一Steven goes into a video store to buy some records.史蒂文进入一家音像店👽😟————🦟,想买一些唱片🐾☀️-🤨*‍❄。Assistant: Wele, sir, what can I do for you?店员🌼🦕_🐇🌾:欢迎光临🦃——_🐖,先生🌳🍂——🪅,请问您想要什么?Steven: I want to buy some records.史蒂文🏐🌻————🦝:我想买些唱片🎳|_🦙。Assistant: Whose record do yo希望你能满意🎉——*‍❄。


1🌺|💀🌩、开饭啦🀄_🐼!Come and get it!这句直译为“来端菜🦠🤨-😎🎖!”it是指“做好了的饭菜”😵😦|——🎲🪳,全句的意思是“饭做好了🌑🦕|-🕊,来吃吧🐆——-😹🐬!”😿🐄_-🐐☀️。是母亲常说的话🎴🌷-⛳🐔。It's time for dinner! 该吃晚饭啦🐟🕸-🎍! Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner is ready! 早饭/午饭/晚饭好了啊🏉🕷|*!2🐜|🌞😄、该吃饭啦🦝😣|——😟!It's time to eat.It's time to eat. 还有呢?
简单日常聊天英语口语对话短文1 p: wow, what a big meal! mmm. smells so good.l✨🤿-_🐼:so help yourself!p: what should i start with?l: perhaps the spicy sliced beef.p: oh,it is spicy. my mouth is burning.it must be sichuan cuisine.l: yes. the sichuan cuisine is known for等我继续说🥈🐤_-🐞。
1🤮————🐲🦂、你好 hello 2🦐☁️-|😂*、没问题 no problem 3🐒🎖_-🦁😟、就这样吧 that‘s all 4🤥——😬🐇、别担心 don’t worry 5🌙🎰——🐐🙊、这是你的吗?is this yours 6🎣🐫|-🐥🦓、给你here you are 7🌳-🧵🌥、别紧张 take it easy 8*🐂_🐚、别客气 help yourself 9😝🐭_😆🦍、保持联系keep in touch 10🦔😱——|🦣、太离谱了 it is going too far 一🦓_😫🤪、【英语说完了😞🌺-|🐙。
日常英语口语对话对话一🌚🦄-🌘🥋:1*🐿——*、Hold on 等一下🐱🌧|😥。口语中🦘|🦜,人们不太用wait a minute. 如果两人辩论🦕————😙😔,吵架🌧👻-🐿,抬杠🐖——🦇,你要别人“打住”🐰🐂——🎭,可以说🪢🦝_🦬,hold it right there.2🐟_|🐩🪢、I hate his guts. 我最讨厌他🤓|🐃🐚。也有说I hate him guts.Guts 是肠子🐪——|🐌,相当于“恨之入骨”的意思🐄||😕🤐。He doesn’t have much 希望你能满意💮_🌏。
小学英语口语情景对话一 Linda: Wow ! Look at that !琳达😮😷-_🦩: 哇🃏🐘__🦇🐾!看那🦖🥌||💥🐐!Joy : That's Tower Bridge.乔伊🍃🦆——🪶💮: 这是塔桥🎖|😯👿。Linda: It's marvelous. This is the first time I've seen the bridge.琳达🌚-✨😛: 真了不起🦗|⚡️😐!这是我第一次看到这座桥😵🐅_🎗。Joy: So, let me take a photo of you in front好了吧🦙😥——-🤔🏸!
Yes, Beep. It IS a fantastic day! 是的*😩_🐯,哔哔声🐿🐐|🧸。这是一个美妙的一天🦓——🕊😦! 相关文章: 1. 简单两人英语小对话 2. 简单两人英语情景对话短文 3. 简单的两人英语对话 4. 简单的英语对话短文两人 5. 2人英语口语对话幽默简单5分钟 已赞过已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论收起为到此结束了?🎍-♥。
简单英语口语对话【1】Linda🦌__🎿:Hello! Who is speaking?John😪🪲——|😙:Hello! This is John. I want to speak to Linda🦤——|🐣😈。Linda😣-🏑🦐:This is her🐩————😽。John😦--🦕🦆:Hi, Linda. I’m just calling to invite you to a dinner party tomorrow evening🌺_🤿。Linda🌈_——*:Really? What time and where?John🙈——_🤥🤫:7:30 pm, at 等会说🌔_|🐁🌳。
日常英语口语对话范文【1】 Daniel: Hey Olga, how are you?丹尼尔☘🐉————🦁:嗨🐄🌚——😒,奥尔加😹-🦏🀄,你好吗?Olga: Hi, and how are you Daniel?奥尔加🪀♦——-😈🥅:你好🐓🦒_——🐃🦢,你怎么样😺🦍|🎨🐼,丹尼尔?Daniel: I'm fine thanks. I need to ask you a favor.丹尼尔🌿_🐀♥:我很好🎀🎲|-🦃,谢谢🪄👿-🎴🦄。我想请你帮个忙🌵🐇|——🤭🏸。Olga: Sure, what's up?奥尔加说完了🥎-——🦮。