



2024-07-23 11:24:30 来源:网络


关于两人英语对话短文 -
关于两人英语对话短文篇一 Divorce Gary:Kate, you’ll never believe what’s happened!Kate:What do you mean?Gary:Marcia and Harold are getting divorced。Kate:You’re kidding! What happened?Gary:Well, I don’t really know, but I heard that they are havi希望你能满意。
两人英语对话短文1 A: Dogs are very clever.狗很聪明。B: Yes,it’s said that the average IQ of dogs is as high as two-year old children.是的,据说狗的平均智商跟2岁的儿童一样高。A: it’s reported that they can learn 160 words,and remember some signals and g还有呢?


大学英语对话短文2人带翻译 -
大学英语2人对话短文带翻译一 Tom:Do you guys carry ramen?你们有拉面吗?Linda:What's that?那是什么面?Tom:You know, like instant noodles.就是泡面一类的东西。Linda:Oh, that would be in the pasta aisle.哦,那应该在面食那排里。Tom:Which aisle is that?是哪排啊?Linda:Right还有呢?
两人简单的英语对话短文1 A:I’m starving to death. What about you?我饿死了。你呢?B:Yeah, I’m starving too! Where do you want to have dinner?我也是,我快饿死了。你想去哪儿吃?A:I don’t know.我不知道。B:What do you feel like eating?你想吃什么呢等我继续说。
大学两人英语对话短文精选 -
大学两人英语对话短文1 A:Please take me to Plaza Hotel.请送我去广场饭店。B:OK. When should we be there?好吧,什么时候到?A:As soon as possible, because I've got an important meeting to attend.越快越好,我要参加一个重要会议。B:All right, if there's no hold-ups.好吧,..
小学英语两人对话短文篇一 Scene 1场景1 Driver:Where do you want to go?司机:您想去哪儿?Sam:I'm going to the hospital.山姆:我要去医院。Driver:Get in. I'll take you.司机:进去。我将送你。Sam :About how much will it cost?山姆:大约要花多少钱?Driver : It will cost you 等会说。
[大学英语对话短文两人]英语对话短文两人20句 -
大学两人英语对话短文1 Serenity:Hi, waiter. Can you come over here?嗨,服务员。能麻烦过来下吗?Waiter:Of course, what is the matter, sir?好的,什么事,先生?Serenity:Can you make out what this is?你看这是什么?Waiter:Oh my god. I think that's a cockroach.噢, 天啊。
简单日常聊天英语口语对话短文1 p: wow, what a big meal! mmm. smells so good.l:so help yourself!p: what should i start with?l: perhaps the spicy sliced beef.p: oh,it is spicy. my mouth is burning.it must be sichuan cuisine.l: yes. the sichuan cuisine is known 是什么。
关于英语口语对话小短文加翻译 -
【#英语口语# 导语】目前,众多高职院校开设了商务英语口语课程。但学生的英语口语表达能力与市场需求还存在一定的差距。以下是由考网精心收集了关于英语口语对话小短文加翻译,供大家欣赏学习! 【篇一】关于英语口语对话小短文加翻译Mom: When will you come home for dinner, honey? Kids and说完了。
简单英语对话短文篇1 Todd: So, Lucinda you were saying that your boyfriend Kwame really likes New Zealand, so are you guys going to move back to New Zealand.托德:露辛达,你说过你男朋友夸梅非常喜欢纽西兰,那你们是打算搬去纽西兰生活吗?Lucinda: Yes, we're actually leaving at the 后面会介绍。