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  • 英语口语对话翻译


    A: Do you have a particular color you like? B: Yes, I like the purple. A: It seems so, I found a lot of things you do are purple. B: yes ah, when I usually go shopping, always will be in purple packaging items attracted. Buy some small thing to ask whether there will be purple, purple as long as the...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 686 ℃ 375
  • 英语口语对话翻译


    Do you have any plan for the summer?Probably, I will do some parttime job.We are going to India for ***.Wow, that's a mysterious place. But it will cost you a lot. I don't think that's a good idea.I don't think so. Even though it will cost some money, it will benefit you a lot.Y...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 970 ℃ 936
  • 简单英语对话带翻译


    即使是上班族,也有的零碎时间。把这些时间整洞并数合起来和朋友进行英语对话提高英语口语水平吧。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅! :给予与接受 A: I heard you received a prize for you book. B:Yyes, I did. I won a prize for “best local history book” at the annual book award. A: ...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 110 ℃ 503
  • 英语口语对话翻译 拒绝机翻

    英语口语对话翻译 拒绝机翻

    手工翻译,杜绝机译。 A:生活与工作,人活着究竟是为了生活?还是为了工作?现代都市青年很多人都会因为这两者之间的关系而迷茫。 As for work and life, do people live to work or work to live? Such interrelationship makes many youths in modern cities bewildered and puzzled. B:我认为生...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 220 ℃ 524
  • 求翻译大学英语二人口语情景对话


    B: how about the recent off! A: Not bad. Is busy. ! B: What are you doing it A: the little things, yes, you're going to do B: I? Do not know, ah, dormitory it, even if the afternoon meeting A: Oh! Meeting. Have heard the first big meeting. B: how the? A: 3 times will be open today. FUCK B: You ca...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 156 ℃ 35
  • 英语口语对话


    Randy: Hey,Chris, this is a nice restaurant, isn't it? I feeling so hungry after seeing all these food now. Are you hungry? Chris: Yea, they offers Chinese and American food, it'派液s nice to have both Chinese and American food. So, what do you want to eat today? (这两个名字乱编的-0-) Ra...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 117 ℃ 535
  • 外贸人常用的英语口语对话


    外贸人常用的英语口语对话 作为经常与老外打交道的外贸人,应该会应付各种场合的情景对话。当然,很多人会自认为口语好,能应付,但是,一些... 20. 如何说明种类齐全 有时候,与其说得唾液横飞,不如用来阐明重点。客人想知道公司产品的.种类时,肯定地说上一句“Various”就已足够。 ...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 814 ℃ 916
  • 英语口语对话常用句子有哪些


    要想英语口语必须首先做四基本要求:听说读 听听细;说说懂;读读准;写写 听要做听细周必须要用两三间花费两听磁带边拿着书边跟着磁带声读能够更快且易忘记顺利记住 说要做说懂英语文章或单词汉译重新说遍要保持翻译候能卡壳要翻译顺畅像语文要做翻译用词准确句通顺 读要做读...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 746 ℃ 491
  • 英语口语对话


    A:who is your favorite athlete ?B: Pole vault queen Yelena Isinbayeva .A: why is her?B: you know . before she become a pole vault athlete.she is a gymnast.she had been working hard and dream about getting a gold medal. but when the coach told her that she should no longer being a gymn...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 406 ℃ 120
  • 英语简单口语对话怎么写?


    英语简单口语对话一般可用于描述朋友之间的近况聊天,或是街上的偶遇,或是平常的电话联系。一般都是一些临时性的询问,且对话之间比较口... 翻译如下:Anna:你好,我是安娜。    Jason:嘿,安娜,我是詹森。 Anna:詹森!你最近躲到哪里去了?你知道,从上次打电话...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 745 ℃ 391