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  • 著名的英语诗歌


    要相信我们可以建设一个更好的世界。 要相信在隧道的尽头会有曙光。 要相信你就是他人的希望之光。 要相信你现在还没做到最好。 要相信你自己。 (四) 励智英文诗用流利的英语去鼓励别人 Never give up, Never lose hope. Always have faith, It allows you to cope. Trying times will pas...

    2024-07-06 网络 更多内容 177 ℃ 508
  • 著名的英文诗歌


    A Teacher for All Seasons 老师如一年中的四季 A teacher is like Spring, Who nurtures new green sprouts, Encourages and leads them, Whenever they have doubts. 老师就象春天, 滋养着新生的小苗, 在他们困惑的时候, 引导并鼓励着他们。 A teacher is like Summer, Whose sunn...

    2024-07-06 网络 更多内容 732 ℃ 565
  • 著名的英文诗歌


    A Teacher for All Seasons 老师如一年中的四季 A teacher is like Spring, Who nurtures new green sprouts, Encourages and leads them, Whenever they have doubts. 老师就象春天, 滋养着新生的小苗, 在他们困惑的时候, 引导并鼓励着他们。 A teacher is like Summer, Whose sunn...

    2024-07-06 网络 更多内容 357 ℃ 324
  • 急求:英文著名诗歌


    叶芝(威廉·巴特勒·叶芝)的。很经典的。译文有很多版本,可以再找找 When you are old William Butler Yeats When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadow...

    2024-07-06 网络 更多内容 901 ℃ 844
  • 外国著名经典诗歌


    英语诗歌 的最美之处就在于表达感情,让人有无限的想象,而这些想象永远是那么的美好。下面是我为大家带来外国著名经典诗歌,希望大家喜欢! 外国著名经典诗歌:当我在某个夜晚漫步 Walking down Bristol Street, the crowds upon the pavement were fields of harvest wheat. 行走在布里斯...

    2024-07-06 网络 更多内容 271 ℃ 53
  • 适合初中的著名英语短篇诗歌


    you long for autumnal colours,柔柔的白云 Soft cloudlets融化在淡蓝的天里, Melting in the babyblue sky;玫瑰伴着你 Dozing inthe sunshine在阳光下小睡, In a rose's company,脸儿晒得烫了, Your face basking in warmth心却含着微风的凉爽。 Your heart as cool as breeze. 这个不很著名,可以...

    2024-07-06 网络 更多内容 543 ℃ 966
  • 求一首有名又简单的英文诗歌


    一首英文诗——世界上最遥远的距离 The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death but when I stand in front of you yet you don’t know that I love you The furthest distance in the world is not when I stand in font of you yet you can’t see my love but when undoubtedly k...

    2024-07-06 网络 更多内容 235 ℃ 961
  • 推荐几首有名的英文诗歌


    做过背景音乐 COCO lee李玟 before I fall in love首张英文专集第一抒情主打 sarah mclachlan angel,实在是太美了,以前在《安静的震撼》中推荐过,阿桑和WASTLIFE等N多歌手都翻唱过,最新版本是一个英国未成年合唱乐团演绎的 Eric Clapton tears in heaven 很伤感 Lene Marlin A Place ...

    2024-07-06 网络 更多内容 497 ℃ 343
  • 适合初中的著名英语短篇诗歌


    That Sunny Morning 那个晴朗的上午怎能忘记那个晴朗的上午? I cannot forget that sunny morning. 当时我在草地上散步, When on a pasture I was roaming. 蒲公英摇摆着自由的金黄, Every dandelion was free, 树下睡着悠闲的荫凉, So was every tree. 笑从心里漾到嘴角, Why I couldn'...

    2024-07-06 网络 更多内容 104 ℃ 149
  • 英语诗歌


    If by Life You Were Deceived假如生活欺骗了你——Alexander PuskinIf by life you were deceived,Don't be dismal, don't be wild!In the day of grief, be mildMerry days will come, believe.假如生活欺骗了你不要悲伤,不要心急忧郁的日子里需要镇静相信吧 快乐的日子即将来临Heart is living in...

    2024-07-06 网络 更多内容 341 ℃ 269