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  • 魔戒第一部英文简介


    第一部:The Fellowship of the ring 简介:In a sleepy village in the Shire,a young hobbit is entertrusted with an immense task.He must make a perilous journey across MIDDLE EARTH to the Cracks of Doom,there to destory the Ruling Ring of Power——the only thing that prevents the dark lord...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 743 ℃ 558
  • 魔戒内容简介



    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 646 ℃ 549
  • 魔戒用英语怎么说


    全部都错了,魔戒首先是书名,而这本书的原名是The Lord of the Rings直译过来应该是“众戒之王”,“魔戒之王”的意思彼得·杰克逊的电影也是这个名

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 156 ℃ 98
  • 魔戒主要内容50字?



    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 653 ℃ 468
  • 指环王的英文简介.要短,120字左右


    An ancient Ring thought lost for centuries has been found, and through a strange twist in fate has been given to a small Hobbit named Frodo. When Gandalf discovers the Ring is in fact the One Ring of the Dark Lord Sauron, Frodo must make an epic quest to the Cracks of Doom in order to...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 754 ℃ 448
  • 指环王的英文简介.要短,120字左右


    An ancient Ring thought lost for centuries has been found, and through a strange twist in fate has been given to a small Hobbit named Frodo. When Gandalf discovers the Ring is in fact the One Ring of the Dark Lord Sauron, Frodo must make an epic quest to the Cracks of Doom in order to...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 652 ℃ 242
  • 指环王剧情英文介绍?


    套用著名的IMDB电影网对魔戒系列的英文介绍,因为较长不贴出来了 http://www.imdb.cn/title/tt0120737/plotsummary http://www.imdb.cn/title/tt0167261/plotsummary http://www.imdb.cn/title/tt0167260/plotsummary

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 535 ℃ 183
  • 求:用英语写一篇《指环王》的内容介绍,


    The Return of the King. The Fellowship divides to conquer as Frodo and Sam, with the help and hindrance of Gollum, continue their way to Mount Doom. Gandalf and Pippin ride to Minas Tirith to help defend Gondor while Merry remains with Eowyn and the other Rohan fighters. Arag...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 243 ℃ 970
  • 魔戒开头关于九戒的描述 (英文)

    魔戒开头关于九戒的描述 (英文)

    the Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret a master ring, to control all others. And into this Ring, he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life. "One Ring to rule them all." 参考自 护戒同盟队加长版英文剧本 http://www.***.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sub...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 572 ℃ 730
  • 100词以内魔戒简介,大概就好,急!越快加分越多


    春节放假,我读了笛福的《鲁滨逊漂流记》。我深深地被这本书所吸引,它让我体会到了鲁滨逊那惊人的毅力和百折不挠的精神。 看完这本书,使我深受感动。一个人身陷绝境,竟能这样对生活充满信心,勇敢地面对生活,创造生活,实在是难能可贵的。使我认识到,人不论何时何地,不管遇到多...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 147 ℃ 731