
当前位置 > 著名诗句英文翻译怎么写著名诗句英文翻译怎么写英文

  • 他知道很多诗句用英语怎么说?


    翻译:He knows lots of poems.

    2024-07-25 网络 更多内容 633 ℃ 447
  • 这几句句子怎么翻译成英文?


    shanghai is no longer that ten years ago. she claimed she was the daughter of a famous businessman. there is no need to tell him this news, he has known it. compared with what he has had, these new stamps are not very interesting. I did not make much progress in English study until my tea...

    2024-07-25 网络 更多内容 503 ℃ 543
  • 英文句子翻译..!



    2024-07-25 网络 更多内容 956 ℃ 132
  • 如何将崔护的(题都城南庄)翻译成英文诗句?望高手解答,thank you

    如何将崔护的(题都城南庄)翻译成英文诗句?望高手解答,thank you

    Today, this door last year, the Peach Blossom Face pairs Ying. People face today is only where to go? Peach still laugh spring. 以上即是《题都城南庄》全诗的英译,不知可否满意。

    2024-07-25 网络 更多内容 832 ℃ 952
  • 请问如何把这两个句子翻译成英文?急!马上给分!


    1.The invitation letter must be written on the paper with your company's headline and with the signature of your boss along with the person who invite you. 2.Pls fax the invitation letter to me to xxxxx during 2:004:00 in the afternoon.

    2024-07-25 网络 更多内容 592 ℃ 890
  • 这2个句子英语怎么翻译?


    There are so many kinds of different towels, let me list for you.Please find the attached towel list of regular styles for your reference.The towel we produced is very famous in USA, you can believe in us.楼上的有机器翻译的嫌疑啊,都不流畅……最后句稍作改动,我按照的是外贸函电的格式和用...

    2024-07-25 网络 更多内容 644 ℃ 463
  • 我要写英文简历,有些句子不知道怎么翻译比较好,请高手帮我翻译一下...


    The real charisma of debate is the team work,when 3 to 4 members are debating, there is a team behind them working as hard as or even more than the debating members, these team mates have to prepare the topic for both party and to anticipate all possible situation and to practice and...

    2024-07-25 网络 更多内容 680 ℃ 162
  • 求几句句子的英语翻译


    1. The Boss still thought they fell short of the requirements.2. Being overseas for 5 years, Henry gained practical experience in navigation.3. The department head was upset when he/she found out that few of the students were good at atheltics.4. Jenny participated in the competition and wa...

    2024-07-25 网络 更多内容 354 ℃ 989
  • 英文句子翻译


    1.They just breathed down my neck有用到什么短语么?什么意思?是的,breathe down one's neck是“逼迫某人”,是一种非正式的用法2.I guess giving reassurance in time of trouble is what parents are for.用到什么语法?什么意思?就是宾语从句,在大的宾语从句里,有一个what引导的表...

    2024-07-25 网络 更多内容 828 ℃ 969
  • 英文句子翻译


    That interests me is that I like the sport.3·只有一这红方式,我们才能建立一个和谐社会。 Only in this way, can we build a harmonious society.4最重要的是我们应该怎样学习英语。 The most important thing is how should we learn english.5·我喜欢这儿的原因是这太美了。 I like it here bec...

    2024-07-25 网络 更多内容 559 ℃ 494