



2024-07-25 21:50:29 来源:网络


1. The better you know your clients,the more you'll understand what they mean when they tell you sonething.1🦟🐯|🦝。你更好地了解你的客户🌸_😁,当他们告诉你的事情🐷🦕——|😡,就越能明白他们的意思🐇🧐|_🐱。2. You'll get more information from them using their medium of choice.2🪢|——🦔。利用他们的选择你将获得更多的希望你能满意🪳🌑--🐗🌺。
求几句句子的英语翻译 1. The Boss still thought they fell short of the requirements. 2. Being overseas for 5 years, Henry gained practical experience in navigation. 3. The department head was upset when he/she found out that few of the students were good at atheltics. 4希望你能满意🦡🐐——🌵。.


1.He brougt out a map from his bag.2.Please do as what I told you.3.Speaking plays an important role in English study.4.Now that everyone is here,let begin our meeting.5.It's a bad habit to tell a lie.6.下个月将要建一栋新大楼🦎|——🖼🦛。7.汤姆每个月都把他的零花钱存入他的等会说🧵*|-🦃😰。
1.我支持你的计划但是也不放弃有所作为的努力🌚🦜-🦎😷。I am in favor of your plan but I won't give up making contributing efforts.2.他是美国著名的语言学家🌲||🦐🏐,被称为语言天才🦇-|☘😎。Called as a linguistic genius, he is a famous US linguist.3.马克吐温显然是一位与众不同的作家🦆-_🎈🙄。Obviously, Mark 说完了🦌——|🌟🧵。
句子翻译如下🐉🐫——🌛。他很喜欢诗歌😎🐼-🕊,特别是唐诗🌳🦘|🌑。(in particular)🎁_🤗🐾。He likes poetry very much, in particular Tang poetry.这份报告的第二部分提到的许多具体问题需要马上解决(section;concrete)🎿🌿|🌳🍁。Many of the concrete problems mentioned in the second section of the report need to be solved immediately等会说🦢————🦠。
This is a rare opportunity. It is foolish if you let it pass by you.②我们的出口和去年相比增加了百分之二十🕊|🙃。 Our exports has increased by twenty percentage compared to last year.③和他们的父母相比😯🐾——_*,今天的年轻人认为他们自己是比较讲究现实的一代🌴_|🌵🎯。The young generation now a day 后面会介绍🪢🐃————😻🦁。
1.星期天👺*|🦗🤡,我喜欢和妈妈一起去附近的购物中心逛逛*🦅——|🌱🍁。(shopping mall)On Sunday😅-😷🐐,I like to walk aroud the shopping mall nearby with my mother.2.交通信号灯转绿了😜🌺-——✨。在我们的车前还有一辆车🏆||♟🔮,它就是不动.(ahead of )The traffic light turns green.But a car is ahead of us,staying 后面会介绍😦-|🦆。
a book of -dies for the piano 钢琴练习曲集a quick [slow] study (台词)记得快[慢]He is fond of study.他喜欢学习🌾🙃|-🦟。I shall not end my -dies when I leave school.中学毕业后🐕__🍄, 我将继续我的学业🪶-|🐙。Biology is the study of living things.生物学是对生物的研究🐌🦢——|*😛。I read your study说完了🌸🥀_——🐚🐪。
i don't quite like the way you speak.2😩_——🦈🐈‍⬛、我正在参观我妈妈十年前在那教过物理的那所学校i'm visiting the school where my mom taught phisics ten years ago.3*🌩-🐑😏、我愿意帮助那些家庭贫困的孩子i'd like to sponsor those kids who are from pour family.4*|——😨、窗户破了的那所房子是所老好了吧💮——|🦃😔!
对于这三个句子现在进行一一翻译💮——|🕊🐣。1-当全世界约好一起下雨🌵😎————🐬🤐,让我们约好一起在心里放晴🐩————⛸🐕。When it rains all over the world, let's make an appointment to clear up in our hearts.前面是一个时间状语从句🦀-🌧😏,后面是一个祈使句🏈🥈|-😤🦚。2-极美的星夜☺️🪅_|🐂*,天上没有一朵浮云🌤——🐥。深蓝色的夜空🏑💐__😌,满缀着钻石般的繁星等会说🦢🦋-🐖。