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    shall take heart again. 那么,让我们起来干吧, Let us, then, be up and doing, 对任何命运要敢于担戴; With a heart for any fate; 不断地进取,不断地追求, Still achieving, still pursuing, 要善于劳动,善于等待。 Learn to labor and to wait. 据钱钟书先生考证,朗费罗的名篇《人生颂》是英语诗歌中最...

    2024-07-26 网络 更多内容 275 ℃ 795
  • 帮我找找英语诗歌名篇啊!


    longfellow.001朗费罗《人生颂》A Psalm of Life年青人的心对歌者说的话不要在哀伤的诗句里告诉我:Tell me not, in mornful numbers, “人生不过是一场幻梦!” "Life is but an empty dream!"灵魂睡着了,就等于死了, For the soul is dead that slumbers, 事物的真相与外表不同。 And things a...

    2024-07-26 网络 更多内容 304 ℃ 126
  • 英语诗歌


    I Think I Can 我想我能行 If you think you are beaten, you are; If you think you dare not, you don't; If you want to win but think you can't; It's almost a cinch you won't. If you think you'll lose, you're lost; For out of the world we find Success begins with a fellow...

    2024-07-26 网络 更多内容 953 ℃ 347
  • 著名的英语诗歌


    要相信我们可以建设一个更好的世界。 要相信在隧道的尽头会有曙光。 要相信你就是他人的希望之光。 要相信你现在还没做到最好。 要相信你自己。 (四) 励智英文诗用流利的英语去鼓励别人 Never give up, Never lose hope. Always have faith, It allows you to cope. Trying times will pas...

    2024-07-26 网络 更多内容 455 ℃ 164
  • 英语诗歌


    和谐 艾丽丝•梅内尔 在这飞逝的夜晚, 塔楼巍巍震颤; 一串钟声悠然响起, 伴着时光展翅翩跹。 象鸟儿脱出樊笼, 忽然乘风盘旋; 听啊,阵阵钟声象船队起航, 朝着暗夜扬起风帆! 冰冷的和弦划破宁静, 宏亮、突兀、孤单; 这钟声如诗歌唱响, 飘向那高高的云端。 Chimes By Alice Meynell BR...

    2024-07-26 网络 更多内容 216 ℃ 592
  • 英语诗歌


    <<雨中的旋律Rhythm Of The Rain>> Jason Donovan的Rhythm of the rain!!(原唱The Cascades) Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain 听那落雨的旋律 Telling me just what a fool I've been 告诉我我曾经是怎样的傻瓜 I wish that it would go, and let me cry in vain 希望它走开,让我...

    2024-07-26 网络 更多内容 480 ℃ 907
  • 英语诗歌


    Sonnet CXVI Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments. Love is not love, Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove. Oh, no! it is an everfixed mark That looks on tempests.. and is never shaken. It is the star to every wandering bark Whose w...

    2024-07-26 网络 更多内容 993 ℃ 930
  • 英语著名诗歌赏析


    去百度文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:heaventopmage 英语名诗赏析 Farewell, Love Sir Thomas Wyatt (15031542) Farwell, Love, and all thy laws forever, Thy baited hooks shall tangle me no more; Senec and Plato call me from thy lore, To perfect wealth my wit for to endeavor, In blind e...

    2024-07-26 网络 更多内容 180 ℃ 513
  • 英语诗歌


    If by Life You Were Deceived假如生活欺骗了你——Alexander PuskinIf by life you were deceived,Don't be dismal, don't be wild!In the day of grief, be mildMerry days will come, believe.假如生活欺骗了你不要悲伤,不要心急忧郁的日子里需要镇静相信吧 快乐的日子即将来临Heart is living in...

    2024-07-26 网络 更多内容 326 ℃ 674
  • 英语诗歌


    Sonnet CXVI Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments. Love is not love, Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove. Oh, no! it is an everfixed mark That looks on tempests.. and is never shaken. It is the star to every wandering bark Whose w...

    2024-07-26 网络 更多内容 731 ℃ 381