
当前位置 > 英语咋造句英语咋造句简单

  • 用英语单词造句


    第一到第九个单词分别是I'm two(three, four,...ten) years old!第十到第二十七个单词分别是There is a boat (window,board...)!二十八到三十三个单词和一到九一样I'm ... years old.后来的数字都可以造句成 I'm ... years old!34.I have black hair35.36.I'm very thin/strong37.Be quiet.38.You are my...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 267 ℃ 910
  • 英语单词造句


    1. Most of the failures we have in life are attached to a lack of control in finding our way to get through the challenges.生命中大多数的失败归咎于我们缺乏自我控制以寻找能通过挑战的方式。2. Please fill out this form if you think you are well suited to this role. We look forward to receiving y...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 396 ℃ 382
  • 用英语怎么造句?


    英语造句一般没有什么固定的方法的,不过写英语句子一定要注意主谓宾就是了, 列子:I am Tom。 其中。I是主语,am是谓语,tom是宾语,不过不是所有句子都要主谓宾的,像Get out 这件话就不要主语和宾语了,英语造句很复杂的很难讲清楚,因为它的句型有很多,我讲的都是最基础的了。

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 595 ℃ 659
  • 用英文单词造句


    1.The paper is burning.那张纸正在燃烧。 2.Your bedroom is very mess, you should clean it.你的卧室很乱物贺,你需要整理一下。 3.We are growing up.我们正在成长。 4.He send me a ring.他送给我一枚戒指。 5.June first is our parens'anniversary.六月一号是我父母亲的周年纪念 6...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 705 ℃ 357
  • 用英语短语造句


    1.I wanna do an interview with the vampire.2 The manager asked me to write a review about the latest situation of the market. 3.I do suggest you learning English hard. 4.The meeting went on late and he wanted to get out of it soon. 5 ,Finally ,I got it .6 He went to the hospital to look over his bo...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 477 ℃ 532
  • 用几个英文单词造句


    leaveThe train leaves the station in five minutes.火车五分钟后从车站发车。get on Get on with your work!继续工作吧。arrive in Good weather has arrived in Beijing at last.好天气终于来到了北京。have to Children do not have to cross busy streets to go to school.孩子们上学不用穿越繁忙的...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 259 ℃ 223
  • 英语怎样造句?


    英语的句子不是造的!要脑子里有,嘴里,手里才能出来。有心,才能有嘴。No minds, no mouths.。要用英语想出来自己要说什么,而且只能用学过的那一点点英语来想,没学过的,用汉语想,一律全无用处的!祝进步。

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 886 ℃ 865
  • 英语造句造句谢谢了啊



    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 327 ℃ 999
  • 英语句子造句


    She played the pipa quite successfully.她的琵琶弹得非常成功。He is good at doing Chinese kung fu 他擅长于中国功夫。Drawing cartoons is similar to writing diaries.画卡通画就跟写日记差不多。

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 984 ℃ 817
  • 英语单词造句


    1.This is my lisence.2.You look silly!3.I like study English.(学习)This is my study.(书房)4.This is your present.(礼物)I were present at the meeting.I love the present life.(现有的)5.I have no experience on it.6.I would like to be a member of Communist Youth League .7.I feel so sleepy.8.I am waitin...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 953 ℃ 699