



2024-07-19 21:23:17 来源:网络


英语造句 -
1、It's good for you to learn English.学英语对你有好处2、It’s very dangerous for children to cross the busy street.对孩子们来说,穿过繁忙的街道很危险。3、It’s difficult for us to finish the work.对我们来说,完成这项工作很困难。4、It’s very important for you to pract等会说。
1、彼得老是爱搞恶作剧,总在星星们不留神时,飞到他们身后,大口吹气,想熄灭他们。Peter is always playing pranks, always flying behind the stars when they are not careful, blowing a big mouth and trying to extinguish them.2、幸福是多方面的。我也是很幸福的。创作产生了无比惊人的快乐等会说。


用英语造句。 -
It's our duty to protect the saplings. 保护树苗是我们的责任。You have to pay duty on this.你必须为这项物品缴付税金It's my duty to help you.帮你忙是我份内该做的事He is in a smart suit today.他今天穿着一套时髦的衣服This boy is very smart; he may be another Edison好了吧!.
God help me help me to survive!上帝呀,请给我活下去的勇气。He went to the south in search of better prospects.他为了寻找更好的前途到南方去。He designed us a beautiful house.他为我们设计了一所很美的房子How dare you take apart my letter?你怎么敢拆开我的信?This book belong 还有呢?
英语短语造句 -
He got over while the traffic was stopped.车辆停下来时, 他过了马路。They got him over somehow.他们设法帮他过去。2.传送He gets over well when he wants to.他想说什么, 都能表达自如。They got the play over all right.这出戏他们演得很动人。I get it over to him that they 是什么。
1. Give up a secret 泄露秘密2. Give up your job 放弃工作;辞职3. Not give up hoping!别放弃希望!4. Oh, I give up!哦,我认输啦!5. Don't give up hope.不要放弃希望。6. Don't give up now!不要放弃啦!7. To give up; quit.放弃;退出8. Do not give up hope后面会介绍。.
英语的造句 -
1.He had so little education that he was unfit for this job.他所受教育很少,不适合做这个工作。2.He had so many falls that he was black and blue all over.摔了很多跤,以致于全身上下青一块,紫一块的。3.He runs so fast that nobody can catch up with him.他跑得非常快,没还有呢?
COW: 1.A cow produces milk.母牛能产奶。2.He can soon cow the young people into submission.3.The cow flicked the flies away with its tail.那头牛轻摆尾巴把苍蝇赶走。4.The lowing of a cow or a similar sound.母牛低沉的哞哞叫的声音或类似声音5.You cannot sell the cow and 等我继续说。
英语词语造句 -
1.fiction I read fiction novels almost everyday. 我几乎每天都看小说2.belief One of my belief is angels. 我的其中一个信仰是天使3.set out she has set out for her advantures. 她准备开始她的冒险了4.throw light on The fact throws light on the problem 事实说明了这个问题5希望你能满意。.
Peter is popular with us since he always tells joes.彼得很受我们欢迎,他总是说笑话。After breakfast I walk to school to have class where I always get into trouble for not having done my homework.早饭后我走去上课,在那儿我总是因为不做作业而惹麻烦。I was buying the ticket just等我继续说。