
当前位置 > 翻译语法错误翻译语法错误怎么解决

  • 有道翻译有没有语法错误


    有道翻译 编辑 有道翻译是网易公司开发的一款翻译软件,其最大特色在于翻译引擎是基于搜索引擎,网络释义的,也就是说它所翻译的词释义都是来自网络。 有道桌面词典背靠其强大的搜索引擎(有道搜索)后台数据和“网页萃取”技术,从数十亿海量网页中提炼出传统词典无法收录的各类...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 328 ℃ 260
  • 翻译这段文字[不要有语法错误


    Influenced by the western culture,an increasing number of Chinese yong people begin to celebrate western festivals,while at the same time ignore our traditional ***.As far as I'm concerned,we should adopt an apporiate attitude towards western culture.Chinese culture has a histure of f...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 475 ℃ 793
  • 英文翻译,要无语法错误的


    maybe I would enter a better college, but I would have to spend one more year for it. So I decided to choose the latter one. To my opnion, if I work hard, wherever I am, there will be no difference. Now I'm already used to the life of college. I never feel regret of the choice I made. 人工翻译,请参...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 686 ℃ 881
  • 脚本语法错误是什么意思


    IE总是弹出脚本错误提示窗口 出现此问题是因为该网页的 HTML 源代码不能使用客户端脚本(如 Microsoft JScript 或 Visual Basic 脚本)正确工作。发生此问题可能是因为以下原因之一: " 网页的 HTML 源代码中有问题。 " 您的计算机或网络上阻止了活动脚本、ActiveX 控件或 Java 小程...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 682 ℃ 343
  • 我这句翻译有没有语法错误?


    你的译文没有语法错误。但是,"合理"没能译出。另外,为了句子更加精练,考虑把定语从句改为形容词短语。原句可写成: How to use these data properly is a problem worth discussing.

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 693 ℃ 34
  • 语法错误 :

    语法错误 :


    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 377 ℃ 351
  • 请用英语翻译以下文段 务必无语法错误 急用

    请用英语翻译以下文段 务必无语法错误 急用

    Throughout the whole movie, it can be said, this is the last few years, a precise and delicate works of cinema, tortuous plot acquired Ximo, righteous, love hate, have suspense, also have the b...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 446 ℃ 613
  • 把下面的语句翻译成英文,要求,无语法错误


    My name is XX. There are 3 people in my ***.My father is a teacher.He is 39 years old. My mother is a staff clerkshe is 37 years old.I am a secondray school ***.My family is very harmonious.We are all very happy.I love my father and mother.I love my family! 满意请采纳懂请再问O(∩_∩)O谢...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 889 ℃ 907
  • 翻译。不要有语法错误的网站翻译!


    Valentine day, also calls Valentine's Day or the Saint Warren peaceful festival (St. Valentine's Day), namely every year's on February 14, is one of West's traditional festivals. The men and women deliver the chocolate, the greeting card and the flower mutually in this day, with expresses loves...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 498 ℃ 867
  • 求几句英文翻译,千万别语法错误


    1.How are you !2.Nice to meet you.3.It’s very kind of you. 您真客气。4.Hold on 等一下5.Thank you for .....(the tea, and so on), and everything else.谢谢你的(茶水款待),以及一切。6.Stay cool, man. 老兄,多多保重。相当于Take care.7.It is toasty outside. 外面很热。8. Good point.说得好。...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 964 ℃ 58