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  • 用英语单词造句


    二十八到三十三个单词和一到九一样I'm ... years old.后来的数字都可以造句成 I'm ... years old!34.I have black hair35.36.I'm very thin/strong37.Be quiet.38.You are my friend.3944.I love music(40.science.41.sports...)4570.都This is ...7179都用I'm a ...80.this is a book81.82Nice to meet you...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 531 ℃ 77
  • 用英语单词造句(要解释句子意思)


    1.longterm memory—Sometimes information in the longterm memory is hard to remember.有时处于长时记忆中的信息很难记起。 2.shortterm memory—Due to sleep deficit, shortterm memory is weakened as are abilities to make decisions.由于缺少睡眠,短期记忆力和作决定的能力一样...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 154 ℃ 152
  • 英语造句,下面加意思


    1.break into Somebody broke into my house last night. 昨晚有人闯进我的房子。 2. He was fond of drawing when he was a child. 他还是个孩子时就喜欢画画。 3.I will rember go to school all the time. 我会记得准时去学校的.4.I'm won't to argue with you again.我再也不会去和你争辩了.5...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 414 ℃ 820
  • 用英文单词造句


    1.The paper is burning.那张纸正在燃烧。 2.Your bedroom is very mess, you should clean it.你的卧室很乱物贺,你需要整理一下。 3.We are growing up.我们正在成长。 4.He send me a ring.他送给我一枚戒指。 5.June first is our parens'anniversary.六月一号是我父母亲的周年纪念 6...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 412 ℃ 832
  • 用英语短语造句


    1.I wanna do an interview with the vampire.2 The manager asked me to write a review about the latest situation of the market. 3.I do suggest you learning English hard. 4.The meeting went on late and he wanted to get out of it soon. 5 ,Finally ,I got it .6 He went to the hospital to look over his bo...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 625 ℃ 718
  • 用英语单词造句


    1. My father is the engineer who designed this model. 2. I wish I could leave work at six. 3. The length of the table will not fit into the room. 4. Her height gives her an advantage over others. 5. 没有这个词阿 6. 没有这个词阿 7. I don't know how to express myself. 8. She is an excellent fla...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 592 ℃ 145
  • 用英语单词造句(要解释句子意思)


    1.longterm memorySometimes information in the longterm memory is hard to remember.有时处于长时记忆中的信息很难记起。2.shortterm memoryDue to sleep deficit, shortterm memory is weakened as are abilities to make decisions.由于缺少睡眠,短期记忆力和作决定的能力一样受到削...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 100 ℃ 199
  • 英语造句,有序号,带上翻译


    (1)I think it interesting to go boating:我发现划船挺有趣的。(2)I believe it really great to create a new invention:我相信一项新的发明的出现真的很了不起。(3)I suppose it very useful to do it:我猜想做那件事很有意义。I would be grateful if you will attend my meeting:如果你能参加我的会议,我...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 489 ℃ 368
  • 帮忙用几个词造句子 英文里的成语 我不知道意思

    帮忙用几个词造句子 英文里的成语 我不知道意思

    慌忙(别紧张放松) 密切注视 留神(眼) 关键素重要信息

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 161 ℃ 37
  • 2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 385 ℃ 231