
当前位置 > 地震发生英文表达地震发生英文表达怎么写

  • 英语翻译1那个城市今天早上发生了多少级地震


    1那个城市今天早上发生了多少级地震英语翻译是:1 how many magnitude earthquakes happened in the city this morning

    2024-07-16 网络 更多内容 802 ℃ 777
  • 翻译地震英文


    The school collapsed on earthquake in Sichuan, china 1 1ASNS.On May 20th 2008,It was known that 239 teachers and students died in their school collapsed during earthquake according to capture from new school of Dojiangyan, Sichuan province, southwestern Oppositely next building o...

    2024-07-16 网络 更多内容 930 ℃ 518
  • 发生地震用英语怎么说


    teke place 是不及物动词词组 指计划安排好发生的意思 happen也是不及物动词,发生地震只能用happen。表示突然发生 说地震发生是地球活动很久才发生的不错, 但地震什么时候发生谁知道,谁能预测一个地方什么时间再发生地震。只能是长时间的酝酿,但是突然发生地

    2024-07-16 网络 更多内容 160 ℃ 225
  • 一篇关于地震的英语作文带翻译


    地震是一种自然危害,时时威胁着人们的生命,所以每个人都害怕地震,但你知道如何在地震中保护好你自己吗? 在学校。 第一:保持镇定。 第二:在操场或室外时,可原地不动蹲下,双手保护头部,注意避开高大建筑物或危险物。 第三:不要回到教室去。 地震后应当有组织地撤离。 第四:千万不...

    2024-07-16 网络 更多内容 639 ℃ 768
  • 翻译英语短句(关于地震的)


    (learn..from..) Their bravery in saving other people at the expense of their own lives was worth our learning from. 4、地震中大量房屋被破坏(被动式) A large number of houses were destroyed in the earthquake. 5、这是一场大灾难 That was a serious disaster. (我是自己翻译的。 靠英语吃...

    2024-07-16 网络 更多内容 520 ℃ 232
  • 地震是怎样形成的(英语)


    发生地震的原因不外乎下列数种:(1)断层错动(90%),(2)火山活动(7%),(3)岩溶塌陷,(4)陨石撞击,(5)地函物质相变化,(6)地下核爆及其它人为因素等。 按目前的了解,断层错动是发生地震最主要的原因;其发生次数最为频繁,造成灾害的机会也最大。火山活动引致的地震一般规模较小,影响 范围...

    2024-07-16 网络 更多内容 703 ℃ 112
  • 地震级别用英语怎么表达


    The best known scale is the Richter scale, created in 1935, which uses an instrument called a seismograph to measure the size of the ground waves, which generally ranges from 1 to 8.

    2024-07-16 网络 更多内容 764 ℃ 858
  • 关于地震英语书面表达


    There was an earthquake happening in WenChuan in May 12th 2008,which was a resentful day in our heart . It is the biggest and most serious earthquake in China. On that day ,the WenChuan's people lost all of what belongs to them,and it brought Chinese people terrible loss.The disaster ...

    2024-07-16 网络 更多内容 732 ℃ 736
  • 关于地震的英语作文



    2024-07-16 网络 更多内容 210 ℃ 456
  • 汶川地震的英语书面表达


    Sichuan Earthquake or Wenchuan Earthquake On the afternoon of May 12, 2008, an earthquake measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale hit Sichuan Province, a mountainous region in Western China. By the next day, the death toll stood at 12,000, with another 18,000 still missing. Over 15 millio...

    2024-07-16 网络 更多内容 739 ℃ 149