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  • 几道初中英语题


    第一答案A, 首先关于你说的B“was having”用法错误,因为have表“有”是,没有这种用法,而且B答案意思是“正有着...;正再有”带入句中,不符合表达习惯 再者过去完成时可表示过去发生的事对现在还有影响,A答案即是这种用法 第二题答案have lost, looked 首先第一个空应保持时态...

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 745 ℃ 478
  • 几个初中英语题


    1 I was late because of heavy traffic. 2 Here are some advices which are helpful to students. 3 Too much work and too llittle rest can lead to illnesses. 4 I don't like eating restaurant food, I like homemade food instead. 5 There is a saying: Actions speak louder words. 6 To make things ...

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 607 ℃ 959
  • 几道初中英语题


    第一,应该是这样的,even not better than you 表示的是,约翰就算不比你好,也和你做的一样好。所以应该选,A、 第二题,1 在路上 2 挡...的路,阻碍某人 3 out...:不挡路的,靠边,奇特不寻常;4 很大距离(?不确定) 第三题,可以填finding 但用从句的话应该考虑失态变成,i found。 第四题,hope没...

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 151 ℃ 392
  • 几道初中英语题


    1 care about ,environment 2 like,better than going 3 D gave up 放弃 4 Who does he have to tell 5 What ,thingk of 6 have a look at 7 jam

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 953 ℃ 127
  • 几道初中英语题


    一1.how old 2.In September 3.In the August 1st 4.Birthday party 5.Date of Birth 6. Arts Festival 二。1.How is 2.How old 3.When 4.What is 5.Does have

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 921 ℃ 988
  • 两道初中英语题


    1.因为后面是 a bag (单数),所以用 is 。 2. three years 在这里我们看为一个整体,所以用单数. 问题补充:这个不一定(比方说 there be 句型的就近原则),但大多数情况看 pair\bag 的单复数和前面的量词就好了。

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 726 ℃ 957
  • 几道初中英语题


    几道初中英语题待解决 [ 标签:初中英语题 ] 哖_少オ轻狂 2012-05-06 21:12 句型转换 1 He told her not to play in the street,_didn't he____ _____? 完成反意疑问句 2 They often hera Jack sing happily in the next room.(同义句) Jack is often ___heard__ _____ sing happily in the next room. 3...

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 536 ℃ 763
  • 几道初中英语题


    形成固定短语:be jealous of sth/sb 羡慕某物/某人4. 我们的朋友遍天下。【翻译】:We have friends all over/around the world.=Our friends are all over/around the world. 5. 体育和音乐相比,我更喜欢音乐。【翻译】:I prfer music to sports.=I like music better than sports.注:翻译就不加赘述了...

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 330 ℃ 16
  • 几道初中英语题


    1 please __tell__(告诉)us of any changes of your address2 which of the following __sign____(标志)means "No Smoking"洛水青士为您倾情奉献,祝您学习进步!倘若还有疑虑欢迎继续追问。满意的话请点击下面的“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢!O(∩_∩)O

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 203 ℃ 51
  • 几道初中英语题


    posibilenormal to be helpedwhom I knew wellMost people don't like the style that boy speak in.

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 438 ℃ 836