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  • 初二英语题


    马路两边both sides of the road 现止 till now 随着我家乡迅速发展with the rapid development of our hometown

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 696 ℃ 456
  • 初二英语题


    1.i think jackie chan is an (excellent) actor . he plays his roles very well , he's also kind and friendly . 2.he drank some coffee before going to bed , so he stayed (awake)and couldn't fall asleep for a long time . 3.our team beat theirs and we were all (excited)about that . 4.you look s...

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 116 ℃ 196
  • 初二的英语题


    1. Would you turn down/off the TV? Could you please turn down/off the TV? Please turn down/off the TV. 2. Would you clean your room? Could you clean your room? Please clean your room. 3. Would you help me (to) clean the house? Could you please help me (to) clean the house? Please...

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 361 ℃ 399
  • 初二英语题


    请切记!我觉得楼主已经把be动词的用法搞得太混了!这样做题目以后会很混乱的!根本不用特意去记住什么用法 只要记住最基础的就行 首先 not没有特定的用法 很多时候它只是一个纯粹的否定词 若要真说有什么用法 它后面确实会有doing或to do 但绝不是因为not的关系!明白吗?是看no...

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 156 ℃ 750
  • 初二英语题


    How about your holidayWhere did you spend your holidayDid you go to animal zoonAre there any other place you goWhat was the weather there

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 739 ℃ 530
  • 英语匹配题



    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 948 ℃ 617
  • 初二英语题


    I have few friends here rises from

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 174 ℃ 618
  • 初二英语题


    1. Has Miss Wang gone go Shanghai yet? Miss Wang hasn't gone to Shanghai yet. 2. She hasn't given back the book to him yet. Has she given back the book to him yet? 3. I have seen the film already. Have you seen the film yet? (这三句实际上就是考你yet和already的区别。...

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 815 ℃ 194
  • 初二英语题


    2 as a result 3 had been happened 4 was an army 5 didn't ...so early to catch 6 to care ....gone arcoss 7 since she was five 8 would...the next day 9 not to playing 10 perfer to ...than 11 was 奖励ed by/with( 忘记用那个介词了) 楼下的接上 如我不正确 请改正 真是很久没有看过英语了 没...

    2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 866 ℃ 648
  • 2024-07-02 网络 更多内容 568 ℃ 648