
当前位置 > 做某事有困难的英文短语做某事有困难的英文短语三个

  • 做某事有困难的英文短语


    做某事有困难的英文短语:have difficulties in doing sth. difficulties:n.困难;难题;难事;困境;艰难;费劲;辛苦;困难程度;难度。 doing:n.所做的事;发生的事;所作所为。 扩展资料 His increasing financial difficulties forced him to take desperate measures. 不断增加的经济困难迫使他采取了铤而走...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 361 ℃ 543
  • 做某事有困难英文短语


    在英语之中,表示做某事有困难的话,有几种表达方式?下面是我给大家整理的做某事有困难英文短语,供大家参阅! 做某事有困难英文短语 1.have difficulty (in) doing sth have difficulty (in) doing sth 意为“做某事有困难”. 2.habe trouble (in) doing sth have difficulty(in) doing sth做 某事有困难....

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 613 ℃ 755
  • (做某事有困难)短语的英语翻译


    have difficulty (in) doing sth. have trouble (in) doing sth. have problems (in) doing sth. 注意difficulty,trouble是不可数,要用单数;problem是可数,要用复数形式problems 希望能帮到你

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 416 ℃ 22
  • (做某事有困难)短语的英语翻译


    have difficulty (in) doing sth.have trouble (in) doing sth.have problems (in) doing sth.注意difficulty,trouble是不可数,要用单数;problem是可数,要用复数形式problems希望能帮到你

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 973 ℃ 542
  • (做某事有困难)短语的英语翻译


    have difficulty doing something

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 435 ℃ 192
  • 做某事有困难英语


    做某事有困难的英语是Have difficulty in doing sth。做某事有困难英文短语have difficulty (in) doing sth。have difficulty (in) doing sth。意为“做某事吵隐悉有困难”.habe trouble (in) doing sth have difficulty(in) doing sth 做某事有困难...habe trouble (in)doing sth 做某事有困难.. .havebother(in...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 448 ℃ 653
  • 做某事有困难英语是什么?


    做某事有困难英语:Have difficulty in doing sth。短语have difficulty getting about 行动不便have certain difficulty 有一定难度示例:Many students have difficulty in delivering a speech in public, but they can overcome it through training.很多学生觉得当众发表演讲很困难,但通过训练...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 995 ℃ 447
  • 对某人来说做某事是困难的英语


    句型It is +形容词+ for sb. to do sth.意为做某事对某人来说很...,“困难的的英文表达为difficult。因此正确答案为It is difficult for sb. to do sth. 。... 都是表示困难的意思。做某事有困难have difficulties in doing sth短语1、做某事有\无困难 do sth with\without difficulty.2、做某事没有/有困...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 425 ℃ 569
  • 英文做某事有困难还有哪些表达??


    1、have a problem(in) doing sth 释义:做某事有困难例句:But the states don't have a problem in 扩展资料英文做某事很简单的表达方式1、It's easy to do sth释义:做某事很简单例句:I'm not saying it's easy to&...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 370 ℃ 201
  • 2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 887 ℃ 435