
当前位置 > 七年级英语阅读理解和完形填空题目及答案七年级英语阅读理解和完形填空题目及答案汇总

  • 初一英语完形填空 阅读理解附答案

    初一英语完形填空 阅读理解附答案

    10.A. read B. hope C. study D. know 初一英语完形填空答案详解与分析: 这是一篇记叙文,文章主要介绍了现在成名的作家John 小时侯上学的情况。故事形象生动,诙谐有趣。 1.A. John 现在成名了,但他小时候可不是好学生。这由句中的连词and 可以看出来。 2.C. 由于John不是好学生,因...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 214 ℃ 504
  • 七年级英语阅读理解与完形填空加油站答案


    Mr. Johnson had a factory. He once 1 on TV that animals could be taught to 2 some work for people if they were given 3 to eat. He loved the idea. He thought it would be 4 to have a dog look after his 5 and an elephant do some heavy jobs 6 his factory. He bought a dog 7 an elephant in the m...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 482 ℃ 762
  • 七年级英语课外阅读理解与完形填空答案


    surfing was a rough and hard sport at first. 答案: 76, Wrong, surfing was a rough and hard sport at first. 77, They were lying on their stomachs to control the surfboard. 78, The beaches and waves of Hawaii are perfect for surfing. 79, The surfers themselves, along with some surfboard com...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 449 ℃ 811
  • 七年级英语阅读理解与完形填空150篇答案


    填空题类题目在雅思阅读题目中也是占有一定分量的,掌握摘要、填空题类雅思阅读解题技巧有助于我们更好的做好这=一=类题。 1.先阅读答题指引部分,确定填空文章是所给阅读文章的全篇还是部分的缩写,而且还要了解所给单词是否可以多次使用。 2.利用例句确定答案在文章中的位...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 637 ℃ 480
  • 七年级英语阅读理解与完形填空150篇 答案

    七年级英语阅读理解与完形填空150篇 答案

    U22 1.CBABBCABAC 2.CCDAC BCADB CABDC 3.ABC means Americanborn Chinese. Because they look like Chinese but they think and do things like Americans. Because they are born in America and they live in America for a long time. Their eyes are black and their hair is black,too...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 646 ℃ 361
  • 孩子初一英语完形填空和阅读理解差怎么办?



    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 390 ℃ 491
  • 七年级奔腾英语阅读理解与完形填空答案


    1.CBABBCABAC2.CCDAC BCADB ***.ABC means Americanborn Chinese. Because they look like Chinese but they think and do things like Americans. Because they are born in America and they live in America for a long time. Their eyes are black and their hair is black,too His national...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 876 ℃ 955
  • 初一英语阅读和完形填空练习题


    early d. late 17. a. not b. quite c. very d. no 18. a. take b. take a c. by d. on 19. a. wear b. take c. put d. have 20. a. hard b. a little c. heavy d. hardly 答案: (A)1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. C (B)11. B 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. A 18. C 19. C 20. A 你要的数量这里根本写...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 952 ℃ 186
  • 初一英语完形填空练习题及答案


    Mike is an Englishman. He lives in a __1___ building in the __2___ London. There are eighteen floors in the building and he lives on the fifteenth floor. He__3___ a lift (电梯)to go up and down. He works very hard. He__4___ to work early. Every day he leaves his__5__and walks to the lift. H...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 439 ℃ 234
  • 初一英语完形填空和阅读理解


    一个字一个字码的,要给最佳答案呀!!5555一、ABC Radio Jim Green is an announcer(播音员)for the program.Most of the girls___1____ boys l... Mike is an Englishman. He lives in a __1___ building in the __2___ London. There are eighteen floors in the building and he lives on the fifteenth...

    2024-07-11 网络 更多内容 408 ℃ 695