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    第五个 music will relax me whenever i feel nerves yes,i always listen to music while i was study the most time i listen to the music is doing my homework i know it was a bad habbit as it would damage our ear system and if we listen to the music for long time , we will cannot listen to others cle...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 812 ℃ 408
  • 急求 英语口语2人对话

    急求 英语口语2人对话

    手工原创!A:Well, I like shopping a lot. What about you?B: Me, too. Haha, but could you please tell me about your favorite shopping place?A: I like to shop in a supermarket most.B: Why?A: Because there are so many different goods there. And you can choose whatever you like. Above all, t...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 548 ℃ 707
  • 求女孩子用英语2人口语对话



    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 960 ℃ 241
  • 求英语口语二人对话3分钟


    It's the first day of school今天是开学第一天Mr.: Please open your books to page 10. (To Mary) Can I help you? 请打开课本第十页。(对着玛丽)有什么事吗?M:I'm sorry that I'm late. I couldn't find the room. 抱歉我迟到了。我找不到教室。Mr.:That's a...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 916 ℃ 146
  • 急求 英语口语2人3分钟对话

    急求 英语口语2人3分钟对话

    手工原创! A:Hi, how long no see! How are you? B: Fine, thank you very much. How about you? A: Me, too. Well, I like shopping a lot. What about you? B: Me, too. Haha, but could you please tell me about your favorite shopping place? A: I like to shop in a supermarket most. B: Why? A: ...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 206 ℃ 15
  • 编个英语口语的两人对话!!


    a:yesido.i'vebeentothesanyawheremademefeelrelaxed. b:howluckyyouare.theweatherisquitemild,andeveninthewinter! a:itseemedyouareinterestedinit?okay,i'llintroducemoreditalstoyou,ithinkitstimetogobacktotheclassroom. b:well,let'sgo. 很简单的对话由于近日来我这边都是阴雨天气有感...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 395 ℃ 662
  • 英语口语两人对话关于广告


    职场白领英语:广告宣传活动对话In this conversation, Tanya Nichols, the owner of an ice cream manufacturing company, is talking with her marketing manager, Carla Hutchison, about the advertising campaign for the company‘s new icecream sandwich.Tanya: Good morning, Carla. How a...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 897 ℃ 42
  • 英语口语2人对话5分钟左右


    HuisleadingChina Bush:Condi!Nicetoseeyou.What'shappening? Condi:Sir,IhavethereporthereaboutthenewleaderofChina. Bush:Great.Layitonme. Condi:HuisthenewleaderofChina. Bush:That'swhatIwanttoknow. Condi:That'swhatI'mtellingyou. Bush:That'swhatI'maskingyou.Whoisthenewl...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 148 ℃ 763
  • 2人英语口语对话


    A:hey,i am ...nice to see you.你好 ,我是 xx很高兴认识你啊B:i am ....nice to see you,too.我是 xx 我也很高兴认识你啊A:where are you from ? 你从哪里来的呀?B:i am from ... 我来自xxA:oh, i see. i come from...噢,我来自xxB:Nice weather, isn't it ? 今天天气不错嘛,你觉得呢?(闲聊天气 不...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 694 ℃ 479
  • 编个英语口语的两人对话!!


    a: yes i do. i've been to the sanya where made me feel relaxed. b:how lucky you are. the weather is quite mild ,and even in the winter! a:it seemed you are interested in it?okay ,i'll introduce more ditals to you,i think its time to go back to the classroom. b:well,let's go. 很简单的对话 由于近日来...

    2024-07-23 网络 更多内容 303 ℃ 13