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    修改: I am no longer a good girl, and I cannot find the way home. I got through the city centre and ran across the zebracrossing with my little Teddybear. At last, I stood on the crowded street. The city was like an interlaced maze, where I got lost. Rains fell down from the dark sky. Cars passed...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 973 ℃ 676
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    prisoners. I admited that I planed to kill the savages first. But then I gave up the plan,for I realized that I had no right to do as the cannibals never attack me. And however I thought, I saved a prisoner and named my new companion “Friday”. I taught him English and converted him to Christian...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 244 ℃ 746
  • 帮忙检查英语语法错误!急!!


    应该是: The largescale development of China's western region has "15" key elements in the plan, its implementation will be a long, arduous process. The western region development of the capital market has existing problems, and will give rise to huge constraints towards...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 656 ℃ 49
  • 求检查有没有英语语法错误


    你的英语水平还是不错的。句子结构掌握得很不错。中间有几个时态错误,该用过去式的没有用。细心一点就可以避免。keep改为kept; have to改为had to; am late改为was late; get all wet改为got all wet; 再一点严重错误,就是时间混乱,如i kept reading in the library容易给人一种在学校图书...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 161 ℃ 300
  • 请英语大神检查语法错误。1


    Considering Samson (as) a normal milkman who is not acquired any special background skills in the field of Milk or other working experiences, one year of time limit is not reasonable

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 882 ℃ 394
  • 英语高手,帮忙检查下有无语法错误,谢谢


    ’He的指代要明确一下,esteem后头直接加名词 My carelessness inspired the misapprehension. inspire...换词... he just returned at the midnight... people around as enemies without notion, 最后这个词组……自创的吧 and you’ll conquer yourself absolutely!这结论下的……虽然没语法错误

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 236 ℃ 378
  • 求检查下英语语法有无错误


    嗯文章写事实性强质朴若作篇演讲稿则显些平庸缺乏些魅力...我专业评委故说没权利做评论仅仅做名普通听众说我想第三段稍微改更吸引我简单介绍自兴趣文所说:I like watching movies and communicating with friendsthat's OK!减些陈述性评价讨论改讲述经历故事家容易演讲者所...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 382 ℃ 270
  • 英语语法错误检查


    When we see them, some of us (may be happy to crazy).句子要有谓语 We can see many stars (in the news on the outdoor photos), whether (attending)some formal activities or (going) for a walk, mostly is wearing sunglasses. 注意介词,动名词 (Like the famous singer Madonna, she alway...

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 117 ℃ 416
  • 英语语法错误,帮忙改


    The old man keeps many books that all the students like to read. 这重点是定语从句,SO加了多余。 The library has many books that all the students like to go there.这是原因状语从句,挺饶口的,可以改成All the students like to go to the libiary because it has many books.such 加了味道就变了

    2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 837 ℃ 723
  • 2024-07-21 网络 更多内容 728 ℃ 699