



2024-07-21 10:39:32 来源:网络


有哪些软件可以检测英语语法的错误? -
检查英语语法的软件有:Hemingway Editor、Ginger、1Checker、Paper Rater、SpellCheckPlus。1、Hemingway Editor 功能:快速检查英语语法与拼写错误,提供细致的修改建议,如建议替换使用的单词等,并能检测文章的可读性指数。2、Ginger 功能:快速检查英语语法与拼写错误,并自动修正,而且建议替换使用的字词。3等我继续说。


英语 英语 英语 求大神解答批改一下 看看有无语法错误 -
1)Good morning. THis is the weather report. It's windy and warm in Beijing, Harbin is cold and snowy. In Lhasa is cool and rainy. Hong Kong is sunny, it's hot.这里的后两句有语法错误:A)In Lhasa is cool and rainy. 当用了in 这个介词是,in Lhasa 就变成了(..
第六排,I后面加has 第九排。强调个体,宜用families.还有最后一个单词has表示拥有,应将which has 改为with 倒数第四排be dying改为die。倒数第三排,第二个That改为It mistade .改为mistake 最后一排They not only very sweet is also sufficient water .So I love them very,应改为They 后面会介绍。
英语作文,帮忙看看有什么语法错误? -
dinner I’ll ask the waiter for the bill.第二:太阳唯一,用the不是a,第三:help sb. do something.第四:assist(sb. )in/with sth.assist(sb. )in doing sth.assist(sb. )to do sth.以上仅供参考,我记得不是很清楚,现在这么晚也困了。建议买本《初中英语语法大全》..
and vegetables would be behind the house,I could sit under the tree with my family.。此举错误同理,如果想使用“将要”的意思,只用will就行了,would是虚拟语气时才能用的。can和could同理。6.最后一句从语法上来看没问题,但还是小小吐槽一下:可以用wish that的虚拟语气,高级一点等我继续说。
请帮忙找出这篇英语文章的语法错误``一共10处 -
importance---important.形容词名词错用can---can't意思相反或者把everybody改成nobody to---去掉情态动词后直接接实意动词or---and 是'和'不是'或者'。much---后面加more 或者直接把much变成more 让地球变的更美丽,原文是,让地球变的美丽,可文中并没有说地球不美丽。只能说是让她更是什么。
其中一些很小的语法错误我也帮你改了:Basically, the picture vividly portrays a scene that two persons are confused and startling about the words in the advertising board. The board, however, conveys another frightening meaning —sale of death bodies instead of normal goods. Apparently,还有呢?
查找英语语法错误!!帮一下忙! -
because of (of 去掉)因为because of 后面接的是名词性短语而不能接句子。另,will 后面caming 改成come。(will 需要与动词原形连用)came back 后面加from 表示从哪来另最后一句可以改成:perhaps ,we will have a holiday without any passion是什么。.
语法错误:1.what should I go for ——gt;what I should go for;2. is my improving of body and mind-->is to improve my body and mind 修改译文:However, as my experience enriched with more interesting things, I began to realize that what I should go for is to improve my 还有呢?