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  • get into造句及造句的意思

    get into造句及造句的意思

    get into造句Nobody likes to get into trouble. 没有谁愿意惹麻烦。 How did the thieves get into the house? 这些窃贼怎么进入室内的?I can't get into these shoesthey are too small. 我不能穿进这双鞋它们太小了。There is no need to get into...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 415 ℃ 669
  • get into造句

    get into造句

    He was eager to get into politics. 他渴望进入政界。

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 217 ℃ 77
  • getinto是什么意思


    而go into 在句子中通常用来表示主动的含义,是某件事情主动吸引,并因此产生了兴趣。扩展资料:I can't get into these shoes; they're too small. 这双鞋太小了, 我穿不进去. How did she get into (ie start taking) drugs?  她是怎么吸起毒来的? I don't know what's got in...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 570 ℃ 404
  • get into造句简单些,并翻译

    get into造句简单些,并翻译

    get into 英[ɡet ˈɪntuː] 美[ɡɛt ˈɪntu] [词典] 进入; 陷入; 养成; [造句]He was eager to get into politics. 他渴望进入政界。 I was working hard to get into Cambridge. 我为能上剑桥大学而刻苦学习。 What has got into you today? Why are you behaving like this? 你今天疯了吗?为什么要...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 610 ℃ 199
  • get into造句简单些,并翻译

    get into造句简单些,并翻译

    get into 英[ɡet ˈɪntuː] 美[ɡɛt ˈɪntu] [词典] 进入; 陷入; 养成; [造句]He was eager to get into politics. 他渴望进入政界。 I was working hard to get into Cambridge. 我为能上剑桥大学而刻苦学习。 What has got into you today? Why are you behaving like...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 447 ℃ 511
  • getinto怎么读


    get into a bother陷入麻烦;get into something做点什么;get into hot water陷入困境;get into difficulty陷入困境;get into one's head进入一个人的头脑;get into a bad habit养成坏习惯;get into one's stride开始走上轨道三、例句1、Get into the cable car, it can get you up.(上索道车,它可...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 619 ℃ 402
  • get可以造什么句子


    get的常见短语有: get up 起床get out 离开get in 进入get into 陷入get back 回来get on 上车get out of 逃避get married 结婚 get off v.动身get better 变得更好get to know 了解get through 通过get hold of 把握get away 离开get from 从…处得到… get used to 习惯于… get rid...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 751 ℃ 38
  • 英语get造句,在线?


    起床是 get up ,算是get 的词组... 本身是到达的意思... I can get home at 10 o'clock. 我会在十点到家。注意:是‘到’家,不是‘回’家。因为 get 表示已经到达的意思...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 838 ℃ 292
  • 用get in造句

    用get in造句

    这个词有很多意思啊。。。不知道你说的是哪=一=个??收割, 收获 The farmers are getting the crops in now that they are ripe. 庄稼熟了, 农民正在收割。 插话 She talks so much that you can't get a word in. 她讲话时滔滔不绝, 你一句话也插不进去。 到达 What time does the train from Lond...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 638 ℃ 428
  • 用get on造句

    用get on造句

    She's ambitious and eager to get on(in die world). 她雄心勃勃,迫切地想成功。 How's your son getting on with his French? 你儿子的法语学得好吗? I'm not getting on very fast with this job. 我这份工作进展不太快。 go [get] on [along] swimmingly 进行顺利 [过着顺利的生活] ride [get on] one's...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 861 ℃ 636