



2024-07-19 23:21:10 来源:网络


用get造简单一点儿的句? -
1、The boys were getting bored .翻译:男孩子们开始感到厌烦。2、Half the pleasure of an evening out is getting ready .翻译:晚上外出时一半的乐趣在于出门前的准备。3、I don't know if I can get it clean .翻译:我不知道自己是否能把它清理干净。4、How did you get him to pose 等我继续说。
1 Get me my book 2 Get someone to insall my computer.3 Get your shoes cleaned 4 Get home on time for supper 5 Get ready for tomorrow's lessons.


系动词get造句 -
The paper got wet after falling into the water.(纸掉到水里后(变)湿了。)这里的get是作为系动词“变得”,后面加形容词。
你好,quot;get"和"get to"都是英语中常用的动词。它们的含义略有不同,可以根据上下文和语境来理解。quot;get"是一个常见的动词,有很多种使用方式。它可以表示获得(如:get a job),理解(如:get the idea),到达(如:get to the office),变得(如:get sick)等等。quot;get to"通常表示到达某个好了吧!
get的造句? -
答:我们可以这样用get sth. done来造句:1.I got my motorcycle repaired yesterday afternoon.2. Excuse me,Jack, whenare you going to get your hair cut?3. He got his foot spiked while playing soccer.4. She got her glasses broken when playing basketball with her friends.5. We后面会介绍。
1、Give me the luggage check and I'll get it for you.把行李条给我,我去给你取。2、get criticized for the portrayal of women in that movie.我在那部电影里对女性形象的刻画受到了批评。3、You must pass the examination to get credit for the course.你必须通过考试才能获得那门课程说完了。
英语翻译关于get知多少? -
1.Time ran out before we could get down to the real nitty-gritty .我们还没来得及探讨真正的细节,时间就过去了。2.Okay, that's the broad plan—let's get down to the specifics.好,这是总的计划—下面来谈谈具体细节。3. I'm going to get down to studying English this term.这等我继续说。
get 英[get] 美[ɡɛt]vt. 得到; 抓住; 说服; 受到(惩罚等)vt. 到达,来;vi. 成为; 开始; 设法对付; 获得利益或财富;造句:The boys were getting bored 男孩子们开始感到厌烦。
get + 比较级 造句两个 (配中英文) -
I get better results than him 我取得了比他更好的成绩I get more presents than her 我收到的礼物比她多,
get up 起床They have to get up early in the morning.他们大清早就得起床。