



2024-07-23 03:37:35 来源:网络


随着人口的增长用英语怎么说 -
“随着人口的增长”翻译:with the growth of population 这句翻译通常在翻译里很常用,可以作为一种固定短语来用“with the ___ of___;with the growth of___(随着___的增长)。那其实除了这句短语常见以外,这里还补充了一些常见句子的翻译,“随着科技的发展”:with the development of techno后面会介绍。
随着年龄的增长英语是:With age。例句:1、我知道人们的笔迹随着年龄的增长而变化。I know people's handwriting changes as they get older.2、随着年龄的增长,人就积习成性。As people get older, they get set in their ways.3、随着年龄的增长,他已对摇滚乐失去了热情。He's outgrown his 有帮助请点赞。


“随着年龄增长” 用英语怎么说 -
“随着年龄增长”用英语翻译过来是With increasing age.with的英式读法是[wɪð];美式读法是[wɪð]。作介词意思有用;随着;包括;和希望你能满意。 一起。increasing的英式读法是[ɪn'kriːsɪŋ];美式读法是[ɪn'krɪsɪŋ]。作形希望你能满意。
Along with the growth of the age, children and parents communicate less and less
随着年龄的增长英语初二 -
with the growth of age as the age's growth
With the increase of age, the more we understand 随着年龄的增长,我们懂得越多,
随着人口的增长用英语怎么说 -
随着人口的增长用英语:With the growth of population。增长即经济增长,狭义指GDP增长。增长属于宏观经济范畴。增长在经济学领域的定义:所谓增长,就是指连续发生的经济事实的变动,其意义就是每一单位时间的增多或减少,能够被经济体系所吸收而不会受到干扰。人口的增长,引起每年至多百分之几的劳动供给到此结束了?。
最简明的说法with aging.一楼的说法有点累赘。或者是with growing. grow形容人和动植物都可以。
翻译:随着年龄的增长,我越来越对英语有兴趣 -
With the growing of my age,I became more and more intrested in English.
with the development of economy, the problem of technology has been emerged