



2024-07-21 20:18:37 来源:网络


阐述英文 -
阐述的英文:expound; elaborate; state; set forth; explanation; lay out; exposition.词组:1. 阐述 Elaboraterepresentset outexplain.2. 系统地阐述 formulate.3. 详细阐述 elaborateelaborationdwell onto expand something in detail.4. 阐述观点 clarifying a pointlesson telling your opinions到此结束了?。.
Elaborate:详尽阐述Expound:详细说明相关例句:The speaker has an hour to expound with more complexxity.演讲者有1个小时时间向公众阐明他的观点2. The teacher expound a profound truth in common language.老师用通俗的语言说明深刻的道理3. The candidate expounded his views on foreign po好了吧!


说明的英文 -
这是第一次以什么形式专题阐述的英文是:This is the first presentation in what form。重点词汇:第一次:first ; for the first time。形式:form ; shape ; layout ; modality。专题:special subject ; special topic。阐述:expound ; elaborate ; state ; set forth ; explanation ; lay out到此结束了?。
英文阐述原因的句子 -
4. Personally, I am standing on the side of有帮助请点赞。就个人而言,我站在……的一边。例句:Personally, I am standing on the side of living alone.就个人而言,我站在独居这一边。5. Every coin has two sides.事物都有两面性。例句:Every coin has two sides. Suitable exercise is good for有帮助请点赞。
阐述的读音是:chǎn shù,阐字的声母是ch,韵母是an,音调是三声;述字的声母是sh,韵母是u,音调是四声。【解释】阐明陈述,详细的解释,述说,论述。报告对宪法修正草案作了详细的阐述。【出处】巴金《探索集·再谈探索》:“不把自己的幸福建筑在别人的痛苦上;爱祖国、爱人民、爱真理、爱后面会介绍。
阐什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么? -
阐]英文翻译 explain clarify elucidate [阐]为谜底的谜语 1.一家团聚(打一字)2.独户(打一字)阐]组词 阐述阐证阐释阐扬阐发阐明推阐阐拓恢阐遐阐阐济再阐阐择阐提更多阐组词[阐]相关搜寻 阐述阐释阐明阐幽阐教阐发阐提阐证阐的成语阐开头的成语是什么。
1. describe:描述是依据经验和感官信息详细地阐述某人、某物或某事。2. account for:account for常指解释某种事物的原因或解释某物的消失或缺失。3. clarify:澄清是指消除关于某事物不清楚或混淆的疑虑。4. interpret:解释和解释的相同点是都涉及表达某种观点。不同点是,解释是简单地说明某物或某人到此结束了?。
The first, playing computer games, is the need of time, if too much time playing computer games of words, so we used to study time will be greatly reduced, unless it is not learning will see the genius, we are ordinary people, the achievement is not decreased it!Secondly, 等会说。
解释的英文表示为explain。explain 音标:英[ɪkˈspleɪn] 美[ɪkˈspleɪn]释义:v. 解释; 说明; 阐明; 说明(…的)原因; 解释(…的)理由;词形变化:第三人称单数:explains 现在分词:explaining 过去式:explained 过去分词:explained 短语搭配:to expl等会说。