



2024-07-24 22:23:55 来源:网络


部队英语怎么写 -
army force 例句和用法:1. 部队继续前进。The troops marched on.2. 那些部队进入敌人领土所表现出来的放肆令人厌恶。The license shown by the troops when they entered enemy territory disgusted everyone.3. 部队已经撤出危险地带。The troops have been withdrawn from the danger area.4好了吧!.
答:“入伍就是深造,当兵就是成才。”这个汉语用用英语可以这样说:Joining the army means further study, and being a soldier/fighter means being a talent.


应译为:XXXXSub unit,XXXXXXUnit, PLA (The Chinese People's Liberation Army)因为你没有说部队级别,所以便译为最普通方法。Unit=部队 Sub Unit= 分队若果部队有级别的话如:排 platoon 连 company 营 battalion 团 regiment 旅 brigade 师 division 军 army 等会说。
貔貅的英文:Brave troops 一、troops 读法英[tru:ps] 美[trups]1、作名词的意思是:军] 部队;军] 军队(troop的复数形式)二、短语1、Pocket Troops 口袋部队2、crack troops 精锐部队; 精锐的军队或士卒3、household troops 禁卫队; 王室禁卫队4、fresh troops 生力军; 菜鸟到此结束了?。
海军部队用英语怎么说 -
海军部队[名] naval forces;[例句]他从海军部队休假回到家里。He is home on leave from the Navy.
62041 troops,People's Liberation Army ,China.
部队英语词汇 -
武警部队Armed Police Force 消防部队Fire Fighters 海军Navy Force 陆军Army 空军Air Force
联合部队united forces 缩写为UNIFOR 例句美国军队和沙特军队共同组成的联合部队将继续在沙特阿拉伯境内实施军事行动。There would continue to be a joint command of US and Saudi forces operating within Saudi borders.
中国人民武装部队的英语怎么写! -
简写CAPF Chinese People's Armed Police Force !
特种部队Specia Force 词典释义[电影]Special Forces[电影]特种部队双语例句1.一小股装甲特种部队已对这一地区进行了侦察。Small armored task forces had reconnoitered the area. 2.我知道特种部队也营救人质和战俘。I know that the special forces can rescue hostages and 是什么。