



2024-07-04 11:20:07 来源:网络


双语新闻app有哪些 -
1. 每日双语新闻该app为用户推送每日全球新闻,提供中英文对照阅读。它包含多种新闻分类,用户可根据兴趣选择阅读内容。其特点在于界面简洁明了,易于操作,适合各类人群使用。每日双语新闻app,顾名思义,是一款提供双语新闻阅读的软件。其主要功能包括:全球新闻更新:这款app能实时更新全球新闻,保证用户后面会介绍。
Beijing time 20 03:31, New York March crude oil futuresprices hit $100, this is after the January 3rd oil prices hit$100.09, second international oil prices once rushed high of $100. The NYSE data show, the March contract pricehighs of $100.10, higher than the price set 是什么。


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Sub-Saharan Africa has always been the center of the AIDS epidemic. In Botswana, despite aggressive prevention campaigns, one out of every four adults is infected with HIV. Professor Marianna Baum based her latest research there.Baum recruited almost 900 newly infected adults who had n希望你能满意。
Jul 16,(Reuters) - The drought scorching the Midwest is spanning 55 percent of the contiguous United States and is the worst since 1956, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said in a report posted on its website on Monday.The agency said based on the Palmer Drought等会说。
谁能推荐些中英双语的新闻网站或报纸? -
中英双语的新闻网站:新华网 新闻是新华社的必搜网 趣味性较好,客观。评论自由人民网 (人民日报网站)
但是,一下载很麻烦,二在国内运行不稳定,经常无缘无故打不开。研究表明,读跟自己有关的新闻,更容易激发起阅读兴趣。China Daily中国日报APP改版之后,里面新加了一些可以互动的小功能,非常有趣,而且对于英语学习者更加友好,这些功能是国外的APP做不到的,也同样非常值得推荐。
求一最新英语新闻,要求:带大意翻译,300字左右 -
中英对照读新闻》nigerian 'ritual murderer' lynched by mob 奈及利亚“仪式杀人犯”遭暴民私刑处决a nigerian who confessed to taking part in the ritual murders of three women was beaten to death by an irate mob, police said recently.一名供称参与三位妇女之仪式谋杀的奈及利亚人,被有帮助请点赞。
"It will be the equivalent of a wake," said Dr. Claudia Alexander, manager of the project.“它将是一个有意义的轨迹”,这个项目负责人Claudia Alexander博士评论道。Few flight teams have had to contend with a spacecraft more demanding of their attention and ingenuity.很少飞行队要求说完了。
求中英文对照的 最新的经济类新闻 -
Here are his five lessons, drawn from a presentation at recentconference sponsored last month by the Central Bank of Argentina andelaborated on in a note to clients last week:1、强大与监管得力的金融体系应该是抵御金融冲击的第一道防线。我们越希望我们的经济以自由市场为导向,就越需要对等我继续说。