



2024-07-21 02:32:24 来源:网络


一般过去将来时的例句有哪些? -
过去将来时的例句如下:1、I didn't know if he would come.我不知道他是否会来。2、She was sixty-six. In three years,she would be sixty-nine.她66岁了。三年后,她是69岁。3、I didn't know how to do it. What would be their ideas?我不知如何去做,他们会有什么想法呢?
1. I didn't know if he would come.我不知道他是否会来。2. She was sixty-six. In three years,she would be sixty-nine.她66岁了。三年后,她是69岁。3. I didn't know how to do it. What would be their ideas?我不知如何去做,他们会有什么想法呢?过去将来时常可用来表示好了吧!


急求将来过去时句子10句 -
:I was told that he was going to return home..有人告诉我他准备回家It seemed as if it was going to rain.看来好像要下雨。三:come,go,leave,arrive,start等严格按照时间表发生的表起止的动词可用过去进行时代替过去将来时。She told me she was coming to see me.她告诉我她要来看我。
4、He said his work would be done the next day. 他说他的工作将在第二天完成。3、He said he wouldn't be blamed if he finished his homework. 他说如果他完成了作业就不会被责罚。过去将来时的各种句式:一、肯定句:1、主语+be(was或were)going to+动词原形(v.原)+其它。2、主语等我继续说。
一般过去将来时1 She told us that she would not go with us,if it rained.她告诉我们,如果下雨,她就不和我们一起去了。2 I didn''t know how to do it.What would be their ideas?我不知如何去做,他们会有什么想法呢?过去将来完成时1 He told me that I should have finished是什么。
例句:1.Tom will help you tomorrow.[动作]2.We shall be here in time next time.[状态]4.过去将来时:表示从过去某一时间看将在以后某一时间里发生的动作或状态.[注意不要跟现在联系起来]例句:1.Ten years ago,Mary said she would finish the work in a few days.[动作]2.Yesterday 好了吧!
过去将来时和现在完成时的一些定义、例句 -
过去将来时:表示过去某个时间看将来要发生的事 句式结构:would+动词原形或was/ were going to+动词原形 例句:When I was a child,I didn't know what would happen after 10 years. 当我还是个小孩的时候,我不知道10年后会发生什么。(这句话表示我在小时候遐想未来的事情,此为还有呢?
It's eight o'clock in the evening. My mother is washing the dishes. My father is cleaning the room. My grandparents are watching TV in their room. My little brother is playing computer games. I am reading an interesting book . We are all busy now.
英语的时态造句 -
The earth moves around the sun.Pride goes before a fall.2 一般过去时he was tired after working he didnnot know anything before i told him he once lost a book She often came to help us in those days.I didn't know you were so busy.3 一般将来时Tomorrow will be Sunday等会说。.
一般将来时表示将来某一时刻发生的事动作或状态,或将来某段时间经常发生的动作或状态。比如He will be eight years old next year.I am going to swim tomorrow.过去将来时是指过去将来发生的事。比如He said he would go fishing.