



2024-07-19 14:26:38 来源:网络


车站里这里多远英语翻译 -
How far is the bus station from here?
How far is it from the railway station to here?=What's the distance from the railway station to here?=What's the distance between the railway station and here?关于问“距离多远”有三种表达方式:How far is it from A to B?=What's the distance from A to B?=What's the dis希望你能满意。


“公交车站离这儿大约一公里远”怎么翻译?? -
The bus station is about one kilometer away from here.
The bus station is within a short distance from here.
公共汽车站距离这里大概有500米(翻译)见补充 -
The bus stop about 500 meters away from here.
例句:How far is the bus stop from here?(翻译:汽车站离这儿有多远?);或者是What is the distance from here to bus stop ?(翻译:从这里到公共汽车站的距离是多少?)。4、问从某地到另一地点要多少时间:How long will it take from +说话人所在地地点+to+另一地点名词?例句:How是什么。
多远用英语怎么说 -
他住在离车站多远的地方?How far does he live from the bus station?provided by jukuu 18 一条狗往森林里能跑多远?How far can a dog run into the forest? 19 在这个方向上,需要指出区域到达了多远?And, in that direction, you will try to figure out, how far does等会说。
it's a little far away from the train station,let me take you a ride.
这个小镇离火车站大约2公里远。怎么翻译? -
这个小镇离火车站大约2公里远。The small town is about 2 km away from the railway station请把你的信收好Please put away your letter.
小明家离车站两公里翻译:小明家离车站两公里Xiao Ming's house is two kilometers away from the station