



2024-07-09 15:12:08 来源:网络


美国电影《天生一对》的简介(英文)版 -
so we should love each other in the family and cherish the relationships we made.《天生一对》角色介绍:1、荷莉/Hallie Parker:小女孩,生于1986年10月11日,与葡萄庄园主父亲尼克生活在美国加州纳帕县,性格外向开朗、天性自由、随和活泼,经常能想出绝妙得一鸣惊人的主意,拥有一头红色短发,有好了吧!
The Parent Trap is a 1998 American comedy film directed by Nancy Meyers and starring Lindsay Lohan in a double role. The film is a remake of the 1961 Disney classic "The Parent Trap", which was itself based on the 1949 novel Lottie and Lisa by Erich Kastner.The story revolve有帮助请点赞。


天生一对电影介绍(英文) -
When two pre-teens named Hallie & Annie meet through their summer camp, their two lives are rattled when they realize that they are identical twins. With parents, British mother aka famous dress designer Elizabeth & American father, a wine maker named Nick, living in two different 好了吧!
Introduction:There is one pair of twin sisters.One live with father in California and the other one live with mother in London because of their parents' separation.They haven't see each other before.Even don't know the existence of the other people.They met in a summer camp.An还有呢?
看过外国<天生一对>的进来~懂英文的来 -
The Parent Teap is a the funniest film that I have ever seen. The story is about two masrt sisters. Their parent divorced when they were too young and they even don't know they had a sister. One of them stayed with mother in England and the other lived together with their说完了。
是不是《天生一对》林赛罗汉演的迪斯尼1998年的电影《天生一对》(The Parent Trap)由1961年的经典同名作品翻拍而来,原剧改编自1950年德国作家艾瑞克·凯斯耐所著《孪生小女孩》(译)一书。本片由好莱坞浪漫派女导演Nancy Meyers执导,片中饰演主角孪生女孩的是Lindsay Lohan,她在本片中一人希望你能满意。
天生一对的英文影评 -
天生一对的英文影评:Though it is a little bit incredible ,it is a good life story .For I am a optimistic person, I like a story with happy ending .Annie and Hallie are the most successful actresses in this film .i viewed that they are real twins at the beginning until 是什么。
Movie is re-shot "for a short time naughty " 60's of close classics feeling mild and fragrant comedy with modern gimmick , a pair of twin sisters is spent because of parents early years gets divorced , one is taken to arrive at California by father Nick (Denis · Kuide) ,好了吧!
求一篇《天生一对》200个单词的英文观后感 -
The film gave me a good lesson about love after I saw it, the love about parents, the love between family members, from the film we can seen that the time has make the family apart, they live far away from each other, but what makes the family reunion, I think all the 等我继续说。
《天生一对》(The Parent Trap)是美国1998年出品的家庭喜剧电影,根据伊利奇·卡斯特纳《两个小洛特》改编,由南希·迈耶斯执导,林赛·罗韩、丹尼斯·奎德、娜塔莎·理查德森等主演。影片讲述了一对素未谋面的双胞胎姐妹安妮和荷莉,让自己离异的爸爸妈妈复合并全家人再次团聚在一起的故事。如果资源不还有呢?