



2024-07-11 15:33:01 来源:网络


请教初中英语问题,求达人解答! -
1)You had better ask your teacher for help. 你最好请求老师的帮助。2)You should ask your teacher for help.你应该请求老师的帮助。3)Will you please ask your teacher for help? 请你求老师的帮助好吗?4)Please ask your teacher for help, will you? 请你求老师的帮助,好不好?..
1.The weather is so hot.What a hot weather!How hot the weather is!2.The building is very tall.How tall the building is!What a tall building!3.The weather is worse.How worse the weather is!What a worse weather!4.The sunlight is so bright.How bright the sunlight is!What 到此结束了?。


请教初中英语问题,求达人解答! -
How does he go to school? He often takes a bus to school How far is it from your home to school?How long does it take you to get to school? about tao hours and forty minutes 4 He lives about 200 kilometers away from her school 5 Do you go to school on foot or b还有呢?
此题可以运用排除法,首先先跳过第一空,看第二个空,musn't表示禁止,而放在原句中表达的意思就是你们禁止扫教室,而与后句不符,瞬间排除B,D;can't表示不能,表示对某项能力的否定,在题目中不存在否定某项能力的说法,排除C,故选A 10.D 用May做疑问句的表示请求许可,如果回答用否定句,..
请教初中英语问题,求达人解答! -
【选择】A 【解析】不定冠词用来表示类别,a ruler 的含义是“尺子一类的量器”6、“Where’s (the) key to the box?”“It’s in my bag.”【选择】B 【解析】这里特指用来打开the box(这个箱子)的专用钥匙。7、“Doyou have (a) bike?”“Sorry, I don’t have one.”【..
请教一些初中英语题悬赏分:10 - 离问题结束还有14 天23 小时一.翻译词组:我不知道__I don't know_/_I have no idea (速度)够快 fast enough 请稍等_please wait/please hold on 二.He likes playing football very much.(对very much 提问)How does he like playing football?三有帮助请点赞。
请教初中英语问题,求达人解答! -
其中形容词性物主代词one's在口语中可用代词宾格担当动名词的逻辑主语。如:Would you mind my / me asking you a few questions? 我请教你几个问题好吗?三、Would (Do) you mind 后接if从句时,也是用来表示请求对方是否介意某人做某事。其中在“Would you mind if 从句”句型中,从句谓语常用后面会介绍。
(C)2.About (fifty thousand)students visited Shanghai Science and Technology Museum ysterday 大约5万学生参观了上海科技博物馆。解释:此为精确数目,不能加s,也不加of。(B)3.(What)great help he's given us!他给了我们多大的帮助啊!解释:中心词为不可数名词help,所以感叹词用到此结束了?。
想请教几道初中英语题 -
问的是过去的确切的时间,故用过去时9.c much too修饰形容词,too much修饰不可数名词10.b not only等会说。 but also句型的谓语动词要与离它最近的主语一致11.d 表示意思坚定的否定推测要用can't 12.b a little修饰不可数名词这套题怎么好像做过,是我们英语老师出的,印在卷子上的。
你好,为你解答,正确答案为:4 not only but also 1 Do you know the music of city?2 Her family took her around China.3 The younger looks the taller of the two.4 Why does he like to play the violin?5 The important writer was born in 1965.~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼等我继续说。