



2024-07-20 05:20:06 来源:网络


词组造句征集~!!send -
1. We all went to the station to send him off.我们都到车站去送他。2.She sent her son away for the summer vacation in the countryside.她打发儿子到农村去过暑假。3.I sent him away because he didn't work hard.我把他开除了,因为他工作不努力。4.The book will be sent back 好了吧!
造句:1、I send a pen to you.我送一支笔给你。2、l send a doll to him.我送了个洋娃娃给他。3、You send a postcard to me.你给我寄张明信片。send sth to sb 和send sb sth 有什么区别:send sth to sb 和send sb sth 等同的start to do sth 和start doing sth 。像s是什么。


send造句 -
Don't send me a card.不要给我寄一张贺卡。That's why I can't send books.这就是为什么我没法送书。He sent a basket of exotic fruit and a card等会说。他送了一篮子异域水果和一张卡片。Can you send the car to the hotel?你能派人把车开到旅馆吗?
The children were sent to bed. 孩子们都被打发去睡觉了。I need another one sent to me. 我需要你们再寄一本给我。The thief was sent to prison. 小偷被送进了监狱。He was sent to the hospital. 人们将他送往医院。Yes, he has been sent to America. 是的,他已经被送到美国去了。
英语单词动词的:send怎么造句 -
I will now send you to module. 我将把你传送到模组。Send my regards to Tom for me.代我问候汤姆Radio Beijing sends the news all over the world.北京广播电台向全世界播送新闻。
He often sends me something to eat .
如何用 send...to...造句3句快 -
I'm going to send it to my friend.我打算把它寄给我的朋友。I can send it in a bottle.我可以把它装在瓶子里寄过去。Can you send me a postcard too?你也能给我寄一张明信片吗?Who can send the letter to Garcia?谁能把信送给加西亚?We send postcards to Father.我们给爸爸寄好了吧!
send造句:I generate my own electricity, and send out impulses to trigger contraction.我给自己发电,发出兴奋波,引起收缩解析:句子是语言运用的基本单位,它由词或词组构成,能表达一个完整的意思,
send的过去式和过去式造句 -
sent they sent me to the hospital yesterday
my mom send me to the school