



2024-07-16 07:19:45 来源:网络


讲话的英文 -
talk 或者是 tell
speak 亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!


讲的英文翻译 -
Madame Song told the children a story yesterday.
讲话 [jiǎng huà] [讲话]基本解释 1.指正式的演说 2.说出来的话 3.一种普及性的著作体裁(多用做书名)[讲话]详细解释 谈话;说话。巴金《探索集·“豪言壮语”》:“要讲话就得讲老实话,讲自己的话,哪怕是讲讲自己的毛病也好。”讲演的话。如:他的讲话代表了多数同志的等会说。
讲讲我的暑假生活.这句话用英文怎么说 -
Tell something about my summer life.or Tell something about my life in summer vacation.
你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:Please tell us something about your school.
讲英文的英文 -
1 我只会讲英文,我讲一点点中文。I can only speak English and a little chinese.2 我讲英文,我用汉语说了一句话。Eg: I speak English. I say a word in Chinese.3 Liya会讲英文和阿姆哈拉语,而且她的法文讲得也很流利,还会一点意大利语。Liya speaks English and Amharic, as well as好了吧!
都可以.问题二:“演讲比赛”用英语怎么说? Speech Contest 如英语演讲比赛:English Speech Contest 如今也常用:English-speaking川Contest/petition 问题三:演讲用英语怎么说 演讲:名词:speech give a speech 做演讲动词:speak speak English 讲英语问题四:“英语演讲比赛”用英文怎么说 你好是什么。
...所以我在这里跟大家讲讲熬夜晚睡的坏处英文? -
讲一下熬夜晚睡的坏处。有七种:Injury 1: deafness and tinnitus.Lack of sleep is easy to cause insufficient blood supply to the inner ear and damage hearing. Staying up late for a long time may lead to deafness.Injury 2: obesity.People who stay up late often eat "Midnight snack后面会介绍。
中文我代表学校全体师生邀请你来参加演讲英语On behalf of all the teachers and students of the school, I invite you to attend the speech