



2024-07-03 20:43:50 来源:网络


11月12日用英语怎么说 -
10、十月:Oct.:October 11、十一月:Nov.:November 12、十二月:Dec.:December
月份的英语缩写:一月 Jan. 二月Feb. 三月Mar. 四月Apr. 五月May 六月Jun. 七月Jul. 八月Aug. 九月Sept.十月Oct.十一月Nov.十二月(缩写的时候后面的点不能去掉)英文日期缩写:1st 、2nd、3rd 、4th、5th、6th、7th、8th、9th 、10th ;11th 、12th 、13th 、14th 到此结束了?。


七年级英语练习题 -
LS有部分错误,我来给您正确答案。汉译英:1 你的生日是什么时候?9月23日。When is your birthday?It's September 23rd.2 你多大?我15岁了。How old are you?I am 15 years old./I am 15.3 你妈妈的生日是什么时候?11月12号。When is your mother's birthday?It's November 12th.4有帮助请点赞。
12号是从11号的12点到12号的12点,我12号下午走,当然是要给12号的钱了Thank you, on the 12th from 11 to 12 of 12 for 12 points, 12 in the afternoon I go, of course, on the 12th to give the money
用英语说我的生日在8月12日 -
My birthday is in August 12th.我的生日在8月12日,
it on Nov. 13th, for I have previously made arrangements on the 12th and 14th. About the inspection on TTC and our company, it can be arranged any day between 15th and 25th. If this said time is convenient for you, we can arrange an itinerary for you. Please advise是什么。.