



2024-07-20 07:15:57 来源:网络


初一英语如何造句? -
造句:1、First I get dressed, next I bring in the paper, then I feed the cat, and finally I fix my breakfast.我首先穿好衣,接着就拿来报纸,然后再喂猫,最后我准备早餐。2、First cup up two cucumbers,next put the vegetable in a bowl,then put all kinds of condiments in it是什么。
1.There is a big supermarket near my school 2.Does Tom have a eletronic game?3,There are two new bicycles under the tree.4.There is a small garden between the two roads.5,There aren't any pencils in my pencil-box.6.Is there a bank near here?7.There is a map of the后面会介绍。


初一英语造句 -
had to warn her,she must be prepared for the worst.大夫们不得不把情况告诉她,她必须做最坏的准备。be prepared for后面主语一般是人)2.Lucy shows an interest in singing.露西对唱歌感兴趣。3.Lily is interested in cooking.(应该是interested而不是interesting,be interested in sth/doing是什么。
1、To see a world in a grain of sand. And a heaven in a wild flower.从一粒沙子看到一个世界,从一朵野花看到一个天堂。2、Hold infinity in the palm of your hand. And eternity in an hour.把握在你手心里的就是无限,永恒也就消融于一个时辰。3、Life is a chain of moments of 说完了。
七年级英语造句 -
1.welcome to our school欢迎来到我的学校2。welcome to there欢迎来到这里3。talking to my morther和我妈妈讲话4。talking to my frend和朋友讲话5。 What do you think of the game 你认为这个游戏如何6。 What do you think of the people 你认为这个人怎么样7。show me your有帮助请点赞。
1.I reasoned that since she had not answered my letter she must be angry with me.我推理说她没有给我回信一定是生我的气了。2.lose consciousness due to a sudden trauma, for example 因为突然损伤而失去知觉3.She claims that every business leader she knows puts a clear picture of等会说。
七年级英语造句 -
1. I will go to shanghai this week.这周我要去上海We will have an English exam this month 这个月我们要有一场英语考试2。I asked the boy about the old man .我询问这个男孩关于这个老人的事。He asked me about the result of the thing.他问我关于这件事的结果。3。He 是什么。
4.I like summer very much.(我非常喜欢夏天。)5.This is an interesting story.(这是一个有趣的故事。)6.This magazine is too expensive.(这本杂志太贵了。)7.My English teacher is young and kind.(我的英语老师既年轻又和蔼。)8.Don't play like that.(别那样玩。)9.This 还有呢?
七年级英语造句 -
1.It's frindly of you to say hello to him.It's kind of you to lend the book to me.It's clever of you to work out the problem.It's foolish of you to lend the money to him.2.You look so beautiful.It's sound great.It tastes good.It smells wonderful.It fells soft有帮助请点赞。
七年级上册英语单词造句如下:1、He apologized because he had shouted at her in front of them all.他向她道歉,因为他在所有人面前怒斥过她。2、Youngsters are turning to smoking because they think it makes them appear cool.年轻人抽烟是因为他们认为那样看起来很酷。3、The ballet has 是什么。