



2024-07-11 18:29:41 来源:网络


七年级英语课时练 Unit7 答案 -
twelve fourteen sixteen twenty twenty-three twenty-seven nineteen three eighteen fifteen ollars olor ong ell iece ale welve ants A D A D C C C A D A B C B Can help are short isn't big What's price look at t ale rice The in uy hite ale for ouself 选偶的吧,嘿嘿是什么。


七年级 英语 课时练 练习题 -
1. the biggest one of the (你上个句子应该是any other rooms吧~)2. afternoon (你后面那句子好怪……
新人教版七年级英语上册starter unit2课时教案 -
七年级英语上册starter unit 2 课时教案 Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English? 课程目标一、知识和能力目标本单元的核心教学内容是“认物”。用英语确认周围的常见事物比较符合英语初学者的实际情况。通过本单元教学,使学生运用所学句型,去熟悉周围事物的名称;教学生学会在实际生活中如何确认事物。通过辨认物好了吧!
【答案】:【课前自主预习】I. 1~4 CABD Ⅱ.完成句子。1. Does; have to be/keep; does 2.Can; listen to; can't 3.don't have to 【课堂合作探究】◇要点突破[对点训练] ①B ②C ◇语法聚焦[对点训练] ①B ②Come here ③Let's play basketball ◇达标检测I.从方框中有帮助请点赞。
七年级上册英语导学导练 unit 7 第四课时 -
1.see sale 2.have for each 3.Have look at Store 4. sells to 5. buys from
【答案】:【课前自主预习】I.选词配图。1. take the train 2.take the bus 3.ride a bike 4. drive a car 5.take the subway Ⅱ.完成句子。1.How does; rides 2.How long; take 3.How far 【课堂合作探究】◇要点突破1.[对点训练] ①How ②D 2.[对点训练] A 3.[说完了。
人教版七年级下册英语课时练Unit4Section A(1a-2d)答案 -
【答案】:【课前自主预习】I.选词配图。1.Iisten to music 2.eat in class 3.keep quiet 4.run in the hallways Ⅱ.完成句子。1. arrive/be late for 2.must be on time 3.a Iot of 4. bring; to; can't 5.be/keep quiet 【课堂合作探究】◇要点突破1.[对点训练] 等我继续说。
一、DCDCBBCDAADCBCA 二、 1. Clare. 2. For two years. 3. Because Peter works in the company and ithas offices in many countries. 4.Five. 5. Because their family willmove back to the US.三、。1. D 2.C 3. E 4. B 四、 1. hasbeen to many 是什么。