



2024-07-17 14:38:37 来源:网络


用英语怎样表示生日日期? -
1、在英国英语中,通常可有两种表达法:月日年或者日月年。写法:the) 2(nd) May, 1988 读法:the second of May, nineteen eighty-eight 或写法:May (the) 2(nd), 1988 读法:May the second, nineteen eighty-eight 2、在美国英语中,通常只采用一种表达法:月、日、年。写法:May 2还有呢?
英文原文:what day is your birthday?when is your birthday?英式音标:wɒt] [deɪ] [ɪz] [jɔː; jʊə] [ˈbɜːθdeɪ] ?[wen] [ɪz] [jɔː; jʊə] [ˈbɜːθd等我继续说。


问你的生日在几月几日用英语怎么回答 -
--是8月5日。It's on August 5th.--我的生日是在8月5日。My birthday is on August 5th .分析:1、在某月某日前用介词on;如:on January 1st,2017 2、在某年某月某季度前用in 如:in January ;in January , 2017 in 2017
“我的生日在几月几号”用英语翻译是What is my birthday on the date of the month。英语(English)是印欧语系-日耳曼语族下的语言,由26个字母组合而成,英文字母渊源于拉丁字母,拉丁字母渊源于希腊字母,而希腊字母则是由腓尼基字母演变而来的。英语是国际指定的官方语言(作为母语),也是世界上最到此结束了?。
用英语说:“我的生日是7月4日。”怎么说? -
我的生日是7月4日:My birthday is July 4.重点词汇:birthday:n.生日1、We must not forget your birthday.我们一定不能忘了你的生日。2、I bought a birthday present for my mother 我给母亲买了一份生日礼物。3、John just told me that your birthday is on the same day as mine.约到此结束了?。
When is your birthday?when were you born? 注意~要用过去式|||
生日日期怎么用英语说出来 -
你好!生日日期Birthday date
When is your birthday?My birthday is on 11th November.(读时11th前要加the,11th后要加of)(11th——eleventh)
几月几日是我生日的英语怎么说 -
给你举个例子吧My birthday is on 28th,January,1991(读为:the 28th of January) or: January,28th,1991(读为:January the 28th) 因为生日是具体日子,所以介词用“on”如只说年份或月份,则用“in”
My birthday is on XX XX.如My birthday is on December 10th.