



2024-07-20 07:17:10 来源:网络


1.从理论上讲,火车应该在9点15到达,但实际上它经常晚点。(参考词汇:in theory, in practice) ——后同The train should arrive at 9:15 in theory,,but it is often late in practice .2.尤其是张艺谋导演的一部影片被认为是世界上最成功的电影之一。(in particular)One movie directed 到此结束了?。
1.无论我们遇到什么样的困难,我们都应该想办法克服它(no matter,come across).No matter what hardships we come across, we must try to get over them.2.尊老爱优是中华民族的传统美德(respect\virtue).(应该是爱幼吧?Showing respect to the old and love to the young is the traditional等会说。


翻译句子!(英语高手请进! -
1. That's news to me!这真是个消息。2. What's it about ?关于什么的?3. Listen up , everyone.大家注意啦!4. Anyone else?其他人呢?5. Brilliant!漂亮、英明!6. That's a fantastic idea !好主意!7. What's up?发生什么事了?8.Its a pity.真可惜。9.Sounds like a good 好了吧!
1.我可以跟校长通话吗?May I speak to the principal?2. 我希望尽快见到他。I hope to meet him as soon as possible.3. 除了我,人人都回来了。Everyone came back except me.4. 他只想出国深造,别无他求。He wants nothing but go abroad for further study.5. 我们当中没有人曾到过国后面会介绍。
英语翻译高手请进? -
2,自恋;self-love 3,自尊;self-respect 4,自重;self-respect 5,完美主义者completist 6,执著;stubbornness 7,诚信;Good faith 8,宽容;catholicity 9,大度;magnanimous 10,唯美;Aesthetic 11,审美观; Aesthetic Standards 12,孝顺;fealty 13,高尚;loftiness 14,..
How are things?最近怎么样?情况如何?I will do what I like !我会做我喜欢做的!Will you show Mr Berry in/out?请带Mr Berry进来/请送Mr Berry出去I mean it/what I say!我是认真的!我说的话是认真的!Get out of my/the way!别挡着我/走开,滚开!You still aren't 有帮助请点赞。
英文翻译高手请进。。。 -
backgrounds and can speak two languages are highly of demanded in the developing Asia 7 Some of the toilets still seems to be the dead corner in this sweeping activity 8 The hawker selling and shouting : come on , or you will miss it 呃 一句句翻译的 希望能帮到你好了吧!
10、根本不 11、最流行的到校方式 12、收到一封邀请书13、上一节化学课 14、一场足球比赛 15、跑的和我一样快16、一条信息 17、以……开始 18、许多乘客19、跑得快 20、往面条上撒盐1, she would like to become the women's singles on the 1st seed 2, G好了吧!
英语翻译高手请进!帮忙翻译一下!中译英 -
My favorite film is The Day After Tomorrow. This is a disaster film, and the grand and thrilling effect created by computer special technology makes me excited and nervous. The film aims to tell human being to pretect environment, otherwise the disaster will hit us someday.By the还有呢?
1 on days when my friends and I would once have ridden bikes to the public pool,we drove my car along the river road to explore an old abandoned train stain.在那些日子里,我和我的朋友本应该是自行车一族,可是我们却开着我的车沿着江边的大路去寻找一个早已废弃的火车站.(如果stain等会说。