



2024-07-21 04:15:29 来源:网络


英语句子翻译帮忙纠正错误 -
他进步如此之快以至于通过了这次考试。He made progress so fast that he passed this exams.我毫不费力地解决了这个问题。I had no trouble in solving this problem.她以一种我们从未料到的方式讲话。She spoke in a way that we had never expected.杰克由于政治原因被迫离开了家乡。Jack was for还有呢?
翻译:在他高中毕业后,村教育委员会在小学里给他安排了一个教书的职位。比较:Having finished high school, he went to work in Beijing.6.She can 【hardly(A)】avoid【making(B)】grammatical mistakes in her【composition(C)】【how(D)】hard she tries.D.改为however 因为however意思是无论说完了。


英语改错与翻译 -
1 those who are overweight or indulge in unhealthy diet are candidates for heart attack.2 people who do not think there is a need to reduce the use of disposable products.3 rapid growth in those countries, China, the economy has been growing at a rate of 9%, particularly succ后面会介绍。
第六题,可不可以这样翻译:I was born in jiangsu city, nanjing province.我猜想你想说的大概是“I was born in Nanjing city, JIangsu Province”? 这样的说法是可以的,但是让我来说的话,会连在一起说:I was born in the city of Nanjing in Jiangsu Province有帮助请点赞。.
英语翻译+纠错+感受 -
Later the test was over and all the students handed the exam paper back in.The professor noticed that one of the students had attached a $100 bill to his paper with a note saying "A dollar per point."On the next class the professor handed out the graded exam papers.This 是什么。
她想让她的女儿学英语。intend sb to do sth 想要某人做某事(跟第一个一样的,只不过中间加了个某人)He intends his son to manage the company.他打算让他儿子经营该公司。Let's ask her what she intends us to do.让我们问她要我们做什么。2.打算使有帮助请点赞。(成为);(为有帮助请点赞。而)准备[(+for有帮助请点赞。
22. The 【tasks(A)】of the 【director(B)】are 【greater than(C)】his 【assistant(D)】D改为assistant‘s,即sistant‘s tasks。本句意为:主管的任务比他的助手要繁重。23. 【Neither(A)】the teacher 【nor(B)】the students 【were(C)】introduced to 【their(D)】希望你能满意。
相反,重复却是汉语表达的一个显著特点。在许多场合某些词语不仅需要重复,而且也只有重复这些词语,语义才能明确,表达才能生动。为了达到汉语译文准确、通顺和完整的翻译标准,在考研翻译中,常常需要将一些关键性的词加以重复。一、重复名词(一)重复英语中作宾语的名词Students must be cultivated to 希望你能满意。
改正错误 英语翻译 -
动词: 正式的用文-countermeasure action,常用的correct\remove mistake\defects就可以了名词:corrective measures
第一个句子的结构不完整,甚至不能称之为句子Another 85 billion for built or upgraded facilities to treatment of urban garbage.这段话找不到一个谓语动词,在英语中一句话当中必须有谓语动词才能完整构成一个句子,第一个翻译显然没有,第二个翻译中的will be是句子的谓语动词;要求翻译的部分“..