



2024-07-20 07:29:51 来源:网络


有哪些英语小笑话?给我来十个(越短越好) -
8、英语笑话(八)#8194;小强去看电影,到了电影售票处,发现一个老外和售票小姐连说带比得好半天,就自告奋勇的上前做翻译,售票小姐说:麻烦你告诉她,现在坐票售完了只剩下站票,如果要看要站着看。#8194; 小强转头就对老外说:no sit see, stand see等会说。.
简短英语小笑话带翻译篇1 财政学的一课Smith was the manager of a construction company and was taking bids on a new project. Thefirst bidder was a Polish company, and their representative offered to do the job for $ 400,000. "That seems reasonable," said Smith. "Can you give说完了。


英语小笑话,越短越好,带翻译 -
1、Goldfish金鱼Stan: I won 92 goldfish.Fred: Where are you going to keep them?Stan: In the bathroom 。Fred: But what will you do when you want to take a bath?Stan: Blindfold(蒙眼睛)them!斯丹:我赢了92 条金鱼。弗雷德:你想在哪儿养它们?斯丹:浴室。弗雷德:但是你想洗澡希望你能满意。
有关短一些的英语小笑话带翻译篇1 i'll see to the rest a guard was about to signal his train to start when he saw an attractive girl standing on the platform by an open door, talking to another pretty girl inside the carriage."come on, miss!" he shouted. "shut the door,等我继续说。
有关英语短笑话带翻译精选? -
有关英语短笑话带翻译篇1 Teacher: Jack, why aren't you listening?Jack: But, teacher, I'm listening.Teacher: If you were listening, tell me what I said just now.Jack: You said, "Jack, why aren't you listening?"老师:杰克,你为什么不认真听课?杰克:老师,我正在听课呀!老师:..
英语短笑话大全带翻译一: Unexpected guests were on the way, and my mother, an impeccable housekeeper, rushed around straightening up. She put my father and brother to work cleaning the guest bathroom. Later, when she went to inspect it, she was surprised that the once-cluttered等我继续说。
英语带翻译的笑话 -
Jonathan: I've got one already, sir.老师:好,乔纳森,假如我给你三只兔子,第二天我又给你五只,你一共有多少只兔子?乔纳森:一共有九只,先生。老师:九只?乔纳森:先生,我本来就有一只。英语带翻译的笑话2:You can't go without me没有我你们走不了 The bus is very crowded到此结束了?。.
英语笑话带中文翻译:Calming your son 让你儿子静下来In the supermarket was a man pushing a cart which contained a screaming, bellowing(吼叫)baby. The gentleman kept repeating softly, "Don't get excited, Albert; don't scream, Albert; don't yell, Albert; keep calm, Albert."A 好了吧!
短的英语笑话带翻译 -
短的英语笑话带翻译一:Walking up to a department store's fabric(织物,布) counter, the pretty girl said, "I would like to buy this material for a new dress. How much does it cost?""Only one kiss per yard," replied the male clerk with asmirk(假笑,傻笑) . "That's 等会说。
短一些英语笑话带翻译篇一 before the final examination, tom told his mother, "mom, i had a dream last night that i'd passed today's exam."在期末考试之前,汤姆告诉他的母亲:“妈妈,我昨天晚上做了一个梦,梦见我通过了今天的考试。”"don't trust dreams, dear. it is said what有帮助请点赞。