



2024-07-07 02:15:29 来源:网络


求一短篇英语新闻(近期的) -
1.More cancelled flights for American Airlines and Delta. Both carriers scrubbing hundreds of flights as they continue to inspect wire bundles in planes. The focus is on spacing between the wires. The airlines say safety was not compromised.2.Gunfire hits vehicles along a stretch of 到此结束了?。
The 4,000-year-old timbers were found alongside equally ancient cargo boxes, anchors, coils of rope and other naval materials just as old, at what archaeologists are calling a kind of ancient military administration site. 日前,一个考古小组在埃及红海岸边发掘出距今约有4000年历史的一希望你能满意。


求一篇最近发生的英语新闻,字数最好100字左右,加翻译,谢谢。 -
nigerian 'ritual murderer' lynched by mob 奈及利亚“仪式杀人犯”遭暴民私刑处决a nigerian who confessed to taking part in the ritual murders of three women was beaten to death by an irate mob, police said recently. 一名供称参与三位妇女之仪式谋杀的奈及利亚人,被愤怒的暴民活活打后面会介绍。
在紧急的时候。新闻:China continues to criticize the United States for its plan to sell weapons to Taiwan. (主要内容)An official Chinese newspaper calls the plan arrogant. Another said the United States should be punished for the action. On Friday, the United States announced it等会说。
一条最近的新闻用英语怎么说 -
一条最近的新闻英文翻译A recent news
国内新闻最近新闻_有道翻译翻译结果:The national news news recently recently_有道词典recently 英['riːsntlɪ]美['risntli]adv.最近;新近更多释义>> [网络短语]Recently 近来,最近,近日more recently 最近的,最近更多,新近lately recently 最近好了吧!
急需10条近期50字左右的英语新闻 -
The sickened numbers are 1,614 in Mexico, suspected or confirmed;20 confirmed in U.S.; 6 confirmed in Canada; 13 suspected in NewZealand; 7 suspected in Spain; 1 suspected in France; 1 suspected inIsrael; 1 suspected in Brazil.世界卫生组织已确认,美国和墨西哥两国近期发生了猪等会说。
North Korea: Kim's Uncle Sacked for ‘Criminal Acts’这几天的,金正恩姑父遭清洗(国内sina也有报道)SEOUL —North Korea announced on Monday the dismissal of Jang Song Thaek, the once powerful uncle of leader Kim Jong Un, for what it described as a string of criminal acts 希望你能满意。
求最近19天的新闻介绍(英语的) 要世界各地的 至少50单词 -
今天的新闻, 来自美国CNN有关印尼水灾的报导:13 dead, 40,000 displaced in floods in Indonesia's North Sulawesi Jakarta, Indonesia (CNN) -- Severe floods in northern Indonesia have left at least 13 people dead and driven tens of thousands of others from their homes in recent days, 希望你能满意。
一则简短的英语新闻最新如下:da and mint -- the two flavors everyone wants combined.苏打水和薄荷——所有人都想把这两种东西混在一起。Well, like it or not, Tic Tac has done just that with its new limited-edition Tic Tac Coca-Cola breath mints.不管你喜不喜欢,嘀嗒糖公司已经做到等我继续说。