



2024-07-21 14:39:00 来源:网络


英语改错 -
1.he改成she或者herself改成himself 统一2.fifteenth该成fifteen 固定用法;year加s 第三人称单数3.has改成had 过去式the删去4.What改成How 固定用法,意为你们身体都好吗5.am改成are 复数6.is改成was 过去式;was改成is,现在时7.was改成were 复数hundred加s,固定用法hundreds of 是什么。
1、Nobody know how to run these machines.know 改成knows,因为nobody表示的是单数2、He began to do his homework at eight every evening.began改成begins,因为后面有every evening表示每天,这里需要用一般现在时3、Why did she angry? Because she shouted at her just now.did 改成等会说。


英语改错题解答技巧及答题套路 -
5. 考生平时应加强基本功训练,用一个“错题集”本把自己或同学在书面表达中出现的错误归纳一下,以便考前复习。二、对全文的宏观把握学生应把改错内容当作一篇小短文来理解这样能对短文有个宏观把握,对上下文有全面的了解,在理解篇章的基础上逐句审读,分析判断,上下兼顾,把明显的、拿的准的说完了。
is改为be或should be:The headmaster suggests that every classroom (should) be equipped with a computer.
英语改错 -
4.The woman is waiting 【at】the bus.——for 5.He is 【puting】on his coat.——putting 6.He is 【swiming】across the river.——swimming 7.My mother is 【makeing】the bed.——making 8.What 【are】the child doing?——is 9.【Coming】in,please.——come 10.The 后面会介绍。
1)He has many ice cream for breakfast.“many”用词错误,He has much(数不清)ice cream for breakfast 2) The girl has two broccoli for lunch.因为是two ,所以用复数。The girl has two broccolis for lunch.3) I need some salad.some就要用复数,I need some salads.或I need 说完了。
英语改错题 -
5 Here are some photos of you. photo可数,根据some用复数形式。6 Hello, Jane ,this is Michael. 固定的电话用语7 I'm making cards, but it is boring. make的现在分词要去掉e加ing.8 Jane is doing her homework now. 根据主语还有now改错9 Kate likes riding bike to scool. like 到此结束了?。
解释:根据题意应该用虚拟语气:could have done sth(本可以做某事,实际上未做)4. I would rather that Miss Evans taught us English literature last semester.改成:I would rather that Miss Evans had taught us English literature last semester.解释:would rather引导的宾语从句采用虚拟语气,..
十道英语改错题,跪求帮助啊!!! -
1、I borrowed Eric a pen yesterday, but he didn't return it to me.解释:borrow改为lend,借出东西给某人。2、I wish I had 5 millions yuan.解释:million改为单数,具体的数目不加s。3、There is else nothing left to drink.解释:改为nothing else,else要放在不定代词之后。4、He is还有呢?
英语改错是考试中的常见题型,以下是一些常考的知识点和改错技巧:时态错误:注意动词的时态一致性。特别要注意过去时与现在完成时的区别,以及虚拟语气和条件句的正确使用。例句:错误:I have seen him yesterday.改正:I saw him yesterday.主谓一致错误:主语和谓语动词在人称和数上要保持一致。例句:..