



2024-07-25 21:10:02 来源:网络


英语翻译三句话。 -
There is no point in getting hot under the collar .生气是毫无意义的。There is no way to reach enlightenment.无法开悟。That burned me plenty.我受到了很大的伤害。
3.Let the dreams fly.


请帮我把这三句话翻译成英语(3句话) -
请帮我把这三句话翻译成英语(3句话) 有些人很贫穷 Some people are very poor. 对"钱"这个字眼很敏感 They are very sensitive to the word Money. 有时我会无语 Sometimes I have to keep silence.请帮我把这三句话翻成英文 It had reached a moment of glory It has a y好了吧!
1.friendship is not only exist between we humanbeings but also between animals and us.2.our friends can help us both on spirit and material 3.there are injurious friends and best friends,so as the friendship
这三句话用英语怎么翻译? -
1.The inspiration often either appears in early morning or at the night, the writing is this reason if the writer likes at the night.2.The accumulation of the wealth needs function with joint efforts of knowledge and fund. 3.Benefit performance for relieving the people in stricken等会说。
对于这三个句子现在进行一一翻译。1-当全世界约好一起下雨,让我们约好一起在心里放晴。When it rains all over the world, let's make an appointment to clear up in our hearts.前面是一个时间状语从句,后面是一个祈使句。2-极美的星夜,天上没有一朵浮云。深蓝色的夜空,满缀着钻石般的繁星后面会介绍。
英语翻译3句话 -
1、It was given out in yesterday’s newspaper that he died of heart failure.2、Five years ago he was still a kid, but now he has grown into a fine young man.3、With the opening-up policy, China’s economy is growing very fast等我继续说。.
1,thanks for taking care of me such a long time.2,I want to discuss working things with you on 1 pm next Saturday in Ginza.3,Please reply .
请帮我把这三句话翻译成英语(3句话) -
有些人很贫穷Some people are very poor.对"钱"这个字眼很敏感They are very sensitive to the word Money.有时我会无语Sometimes I have to keep silence.
1.能说一口流利的英语,他感到很自豪(proud)He is proud that he can speak English fluently.2.你的作文写的很好,除了几个拼写错误Your Composition/ Essay is very good,except for some of the spelling mistakes 3。这个孩子很安静,除了他很饿的时候(我觉得“除非“比较适合)This child i说完了。