



2024-07-06 16:42:08 来源:网络


人教版八年级英语四单元2d怎么翻译? -
人教版八年级上册英语第四单元A部分2d的翻译如下:1、Robin at the zoo.罗宾在动物园。2、Sarah and Robin are at the zoo.Robin is excited!萨拉和罗宾在动物园。罗宾是兴奋的。3、Sarah:What are you doing here,Robin?萨拉:罗宾你在这里做什么?4、I'm looking at a bear. I'm dancin等会说。


八年级上册英语书26页2d翻译 -
具体的翻译如下:Everyone is good at something, but some people do have talent. It's always fun to watch others show their talents. Talent shows are becoming more and more popular.每一个人都有擅长的事,但是有些人确实有天赋。观看别人展示他们的才艺总是有趣的。才艺展示越来越受欢迎。
八年级英语上册4单元2b翻译 -
adv. 向东方n. 东方;东部1、east的基本意思是“东,东方”,指与西方相对的一个特定的方向,即日出的方向。2、east可与介词at,in,on,to等搭配,表示“位于…的东方”。3、east用作主语时一般用作专有名词,首字母常大写。4、east用作形容词时的意思是“东方的,向东方的”,指某人到此结束了?。
telling stories and chatting to cheer up the old. Before we leave, we'll give our presents to them. I hope all of us can take an active part. Through the meaningful activity, we can learn to care for the old.本星期日我们将拜访老百姓家。我们要在星期日早晨8:30在学校门口集等我继续说。
人教版英语八年级上册2d翻译 -
人教版英语八年级上册2d翻译(一)Unit 6 Section A 2d 角色对话安迪:你在看什么书,肯?肯:海明威的《老人与海》。安迪:喔,现在我知道了为什么你善于写 故事 了。肯:是的,我想成为一名作家。安迪:真的吗?你想怎样成为一名作家呢?肯:哦,当然我要继续写故事。你想做什么呢?安迪:我父母还有呢?
1.Everyone is good at something, but some people are truly talented.每个人有他擅长的领域,但有的的确是天才。It’s always interesting towatch other people show their talents. Talent shows are getting more and more popular.看他人展试才艺总是一件有趣的事。才艺展示节目正变得越来越受到此结束了?。
人教版八年级上册英语50页2d的翻译,急啊!!谢了! -
Thanksgiving Day is a special holiday in the United States. It is always on the fourth Thursday in November. It is a time to be grateful for food in autumn.美国的一个特别的节日是感恩节,它总是在11月的第四个星期四,是一个在秋天感恩食物的时刻。At this time, people will also有帮助请点赞。
Last month, he thought the living room in his house wasboring, so he painted it blue. His mum said, “Stop it.”But he kept onpainting. Now the loving room not only has blue walls but also a blue ceilingand floor. Even his cat is blue now!上个月他觉得客厅太没意思,..