



2024-07-08 12:56:59 来源:网络


标准翻译成英语 -
standard;criterion;benchmark;pip;rule;ètalon (衡器);merits:达到标准be up to the standard;按我们的标准来看by our standards;用高标准要求自己set high demands on oneself;制定一个标准lay down a criterion;设计标准design criterion;合乎标准up to the standard;他普通话说得很标准。He 有帮助请点赞。
1.Dear English teacher【其实您可以直接称呼她Miss/Mr. XX。这样更合乎国外习俗】Christmas is coming,wish you a merry Christmas!2.【还是建议直接称呼Miss/Mr.xxx】it has been a long time since the term began.You have never change your smile except when you were angry with us and好了吧!


用英文翻译下面的中文,要标准哦, -
1.我叫某某,我的电话号码是。。My name is 还有呢?My phone number is 还有呢?2.我住在北京丰台区I live in Fengtai District in Beijing.3.住在哪里已经十多年了I have lived in there for more than ten years.4.我喜欢哪里,因为我出生在哪里,I like there, because I was born in there还有呢?.
1、--Hi,Anna.What's your teacher's name?---His name is Tim.2、--Where is he from,Anna?---He is from New Zealand.3、--Are they from America?---No, they are from England.4、--They are not very happy today.5、--Anna is not in the Disco right now.
这些词语如何翻译成标准的英语? -
3.It so surpriseed that you are here.或者Why you are here now?4.I did not go for playing,I went there for bussiness(或having a programme).5.She is disagree with everything.6.Do you know how worried I am last night?7.I will go Korea at once,and maybe not return in 说完了。
Do not forget what you've had. Cherish what you cannot have. Never give up what is rightfully yours. Treasure the memory of what you've lost.参考资料:在美国上学,
英语翻译 要标准的~ -
译:We go to the same school.我们去同一所学校.
you are very frank; one I am sorry, perhaps you will resolve the contradictions. Excuse me a little, a little recognition, is the need to say how much courage! At the very least, such hotshots others appreciate your humility, allowing you to gain more friends. Thanks! "有帮助请点赞。
把下面翻译成英语标准点谢谢~! -
Luoyang is a beautiful city with a long history, where I grew up, everyone from all corners of the country, we are pleased to recognize, and I personally are a little childish, sometimes not pay attention to words, but I did not mind the bad and I hope that we can very 是什么。
My love will lasting eternally. 我对你的爱是永恒的You are my sWeet prinCess and my most Loved angel in my life. 你是我温柔的,甜美的(sweet)公主是我生命中最爱的天使如上W—C—L 按字母顺序出现话说这个W—C—L 是你女友姓名的缩写吧,呵呵,有心了。不过这种造句后面会介绍。