



2024-07-20 07:17:25 来源:网络


翻译~~~急!寻找英语大师 -
From the August 15 lunar nights, even the City, the town of Grand-street town and the stars at the village a three-night fire dragon dance, fire dragon dance in the joy of the sound of firecrackers crowded.村民们用稻杆扎成龙头、龙身的形状,插上燃着的香,由青壮小伙子赤膊上阵说完了。
“寻找”的英文:seek;look for;search seek 读法英[siːk] 美[sik]1、vt. 寻求;寻找;探索;搜索2、vi. 寻找;探索;搜索短语:1、seek for 寻找;追求;探索2、hide and seek 捉迷藏3、seek redress 要求赔偿;寻求解决办法4、seek through 搜查遍是什么。


寻找英语高手!帮忙翻译英语中译英!! -
The scenery in this place is so beautiful that I hardly find word to appreciate it.17.我们定了一个规则,英语课上不准说中文。make)We made a regular that nobody can say Chinese in English lesson.18.令人担忧的是,持续高温使这一地区的干旱更严重。worry)What worries us is tha还有呢?
In this paper, the practical experience from the sea to explore the impact of ARPA on the avoidance and countermeasures. APRA also cited the extensive use of Sailors from the strengthening of their understanding of the limitations, this article from the collision point of view to expl还有呢?
寻找英语达人帮我翻译 -
I'm looking for happiness.
“寻找”的英语是:Looking for “寻找”的读音:xún zhǎo 释义:意思是去找某样东西或是什么事情。造句:Why don't you Looking for a new job?你为什么不找一份新的工作?I think I have to Looking for a new job.我觉得我必须得找一份新工作。Are you going toLooking foranother job 到此结束了?。
寻找用英语怎么翻译 -
寻找的英语:search 英[sɜːtʃ] 美[sɜːrtʃ]v. 搜索,搜寻;调查,搜查;搜身;探求;思索; (在计算机上)搜索n. 搜寻;探究,查究;检索n. (Search) (印、美)瑟奇(人名)短语search engine 搜索引擎; 搜寻引擎; 搜刮引擎; 搜寻器Sear后面会介绍。
I filled up the form including all the personal and credit information .Payment is already made from my credit card.但是我在进行到设置会员ID和密码这一步的时候,无意关闭了浏览器。When I set up the Member ID and password, I unconsiously close the web browser.现在我没有完成申请是什么。
求英语大师 ! 翻译成英文 谢谢!! -
Feel the spotlight illumination can let a person shine,Feel the moderator of this industry is a high income group,and feel the host side there are always a lot of envy
No.7 Sharp , passed it to No.9 also known as Sharp,They may be brothers. A lot football players are brothers, such as the Netherlands De Boer brothers,Ireland Keane Brothers. Strike, the ball was passed very well to No. 10 . Oh, No, No. 10 is also Sharp. It may 等会说。