



2024-07-18 10:18:12 来源:网络


几个英语词组的翻译 -
1 跟着来You'd better go now, and I'll come on later.你最好现在就去,我随后就来。2. 进展How are things coming on?情况怎么样?3. 逐渐开始Night is coming on.夜幕徐徐降临。4. 上演This play is coming on again next month.这出戏下月又要上演了。come with 伴随还有呢?发生与还有呢?
1.fall for 爱上2.account for 说明;解决3.get along 相处融洽4.dress up 盛装打扮5.find out 找出(真相)


帮忙翻译几个词组 -
1.in groups 成群结队的,一组一组的2.check up 检查,核对3.look for 寻找4.例如for example, for instance 5.带领某人参观show somebody around 6.向某人问好say hello to, send one's regards to 7.请求ask, request
5. all night
翻译几个英语词组 -
5.确定,confirm of 8.一度,at one time 9.由某人决定,up to sb.10.不时,from time to time,now and then 11.在海岸线上,at coastline 12.来自于,come from 13.一直,all the time 14.以..的速度,on speed of 15.在中国的南部i,n the south of China 16.由..制成,make from,make好了吧!
have a look 看一下have a rest 休息一下have a seat 找个座位坐下have a good time 玩得高兴have fun 很滑稽have to 不得不have sports 做运动have supper 吃正餐look the same 看起来一样get down 落下到此结束了?。
几个英语词组的翻译和几个句子的翻译 -
to memorize 8 to 10 English words every day.I like watching Egnlish movies.Before you get started, take a deep breath and smile.Whom do you plan to study with next semester?You should speak English more in class.我是按照顺序翻译下来的,中文我懒得再打了,希望对你能有所帮助。
1.a basket of apples 2.two boxes of juice 3.four teeth 4.a bag of potatoes 5.one and a half hour 6.12 Germans 7.Whose are these trousers?8. These two pianos has been put in the living room.9. Mum cut the pear two halves.10. What exciting news!
帮忙翻译几个词组! -
(he has been taken ill本身已经是一个很好的例句了,所以我就再举一个)You had better keep silent,he has been taken ill.你最好保持安静,他已经生气了take sth. ill一般就是造这样的句子,掌握一句就足够了3.I take your point:我理解/明白/了解(你)了(take your point==understand it)说完了。
I saw her basking in the sunshine.2. 我们在海滩上晒太阳。We are basking on the beach.3. 他们坐着晒太阳。They sat in the sun roasting themselves.4. 他坐在帆布躺椅上晒太阳.He sat in a deck-chair sunning himself.5. 我们打算躺著晒太阳, 晒上两个星期.We're going to lie in说完了。