



2024-07-18 02:27:20 来源:网络


用英文翻译下面的中文,要标准哦, -
1.我叫某某,我的电话号码是。。My name is 等我继续说。My phone number is 等我继续说。2.我住在北京丰台区I live in Fengtai District in Beijing.3.住在哪里已经十多年了I have lived in there for more than ten years.4.我喜欢哪里,因为我出生在哪里,I like there, because I was born in there等我继续说。.
The practice increases the number of RBCs that would carry more oxygen to muscle cells.实践增加红细胞能携带更多的氧气到肌肉细胞的数量。Since muscle cells receive more oxygen for respiration,they would have more energy for the athletic event.由于肌肉细胞获得更多的氧气呼吸,他们将有更多的好了吧!


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immediately 英[ɪˈmi:diətli] 美[ɪˈmidiɪtli]adv.立即,马上;直接地;紧接地conj.一…就,即刻surprised 英[səˈpraɪzd] 美[sərˈpraɪzd]adj.惊讶的;惊奇的;觉得奇怪的;感觉意外的strange 英[stre到此结束了?。
To the medical instrument market marketing, the channel development, the dealer manages has the strong interest.性格开朗,工作细心,处事稳重,良好的沟通和表达能力,组织和协调能力,善于学习,极强的适应力和团队精神,意志力坚定,敢于接受挑战。Open and bright, the work is careful, handles m后面会介绍。
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I recommend our chocolate ice cream . Everybody says it's delicious.我推荐我们的巧克力冰淇淋。每个人都说它很好吃。Okay,please give me a dish of chocolate ice cream.好的,请给我一盘巧克力冰淇淋。What would you like for breakfast?早餐你喜欢吃什么?I can't decide. What do you 有帮助请点赞。
想你们。Mark 右边的地址是:中国广东深圳幸福小学五年级二班黄色的明信片亲爱的Pat,Tim和Koko:来自澳大利亚的问候。我昨天到的澳大利亚,从加拿大飞的。我看到了长长的海滩,我喜欢海滩而且我也喜欢大海。我打算去玩沙滩排球,还要去参观悉尼歌剧院。我爱你们Mark 右边的地址是:中国广东深圳幸福小学好了吧!
把下面的英文翻译成中文 -
4。检查并递交截止日期前(CIT)数据输入正确的数据,在截止日期或之前,解决CIT矫正差异。从5。检查指定声明之前发出,解决匹配问题。指定6。检查计费的支持性文件7。从当地税务问题解决金地点。8。支票账户的老化报告和分析以前上传。9。分析和研究,提高服务KPI 我用专门的翻译工具翻译的希望你能满意。
One of Roberto Clemente's greatest achievements was being voted Most Valuable Player of the National League in 1966.罗伯托克莱门特最伟大的成就之一就是1966年被评为最有价值球员的全国联赛。Rescue workers bring medicine and other supplies to people in need.救援人员为需要的人提供药品和其他说完了。
求将下面的中文翻译成英文翻译,谢谢。 -
Strict liability is conducive to save social costs, achieve the goal of social justice.美国产品责任法发展的最为迅速和完善,他最早率先在产品责任法中使用了侵权行为法中的严格责任原则。The United States product liability law of the most rapid development and improvement of his first took 说完了。
1.higher than 2.heavier than 3.three years older 4.对的5.对的6.对的7.对的 8.last weekend 9.go to the park 10.go swimming11.对的12.go for an outing 13.learn chinese 14. singing and dancing 15.take a photo 16.buy a gift 17.go boating 18. watching 等会说。